MM Super Powers Anthology
Who needs a cape to be a superhero?
Sometimes the best and bravest superheroes are the ones we can’t see. Maybe they don’t want the fuss. Maybe they want to keep their powers secret to protect loved ones, or themselves. Maybe a geeky exterior hides a courageous heart.
We’re looking for the quiet heroes, the ones who can leap over a mountain, but do it when no one’s watching. The ones who can read minds, but would never tell.
- 10 to 15k with erotic content.
- Please note the subject Pride Superheroes Anthology.
- Deadline is February 28th for summer release.
- Please submit your manuscript to
Spaced Out
There’s a great big universe out there, and we’d love to read about the brave souls who venture into the stars, whether it’s in a rickety old piece of space junk, or a sleek cruiser.
We want to explore with them as they set foot on Mars, or steer toward a black hole. What we’re looking for is the human experience. How does it feel to be suspended in a starless void? To search for life where there is none? We’re not interested in aliens—just the LGBTQI humans who search for them.
- Word count should be 10-100k.
- Series and serials are also welcomed.
- Please note the subject as Spaced Out (Pride).
- No deadline was specified.
- Please submit your manuscript to
Take us on a roller-coaster ride where gunmen lurk in dark alleys and police tape marks the scene of a horrific crime.
Whether your LGBTQI protagonist is a dogged, world-weary detective or an innocent caught up in a whirlwind of terrifying events, as long as we’re caught up in the story. It doesn’t have to be romance, just grab us by the collar and keep us turning the pages.
- Word count should be 10-100k.
- Series and serials are also welcomed.
- Please note the subject as Thriller/Crime (Pride).
- No deadline was specified.
- Please submit your manuscript to