Title: The Voyages of Cinrak the Dapper
Author: A.J. Fitzwater
Genre: Fantasy
LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Trans FTM
Publisher: Queen of Swords Press
Pages: 145
Reviewer: Olivia
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About The Book
Dapper. Lesbian. Capybara. Pirate.
Cinrak the Dapper is a keeper of secrets, a righter of wrongs, the saltiest capybara on the sea and a rider of both falling stars and a great glass whale. Join her, her beloveds, the rat Queen Orvilia and the marmot diva Loquolchi, lead soprano of the Theatre Rat-oyal, her loyal cabin kit, Benj the chinchilla, and Agnes, last of the great krakens, as they hunt for treasures of all kinds and find adventures beyond their wildest dreams. Let Sir Julius Vogel Award-winning storyteller A.J. Fitzwater take you on a glorious journey about finding yourself, discovering true love and found family, and exploring the greatest secrets of the deep. Also, dapperness.
The Voyages of Cinrak the Dapper includes seven stories about Cinrak and her crew:
- “Young Cinrak”
- “Perfidy at the Felidae Isles
- “The Wild Ride of the Untamed Stars”
- “Search for the Heart of the Ocean”
- “The Hirsute Pursuit”
- “Cetaceous Secrets of the Jewelled Nadit”
- “Flight of the Hydro Chorus”
The Review
This, my friends, is the book we need right now.
In the vein of Catherynne Valente’s Fairyland series, it has all the rollick of our favorite childhood stories, but all the inclusive support our adult mentalities really need.
It’s swashbuckling pirates whose work is balancing trade and making sure it’s fair across the world. It’s beautifully supportive found family hunting wonders on the high seas.
It’s a capybara dating a marmoset and a rat, all three ladies quite dashing! And there’s a sweet, shy kraken too.
I could read this to kids in order to teach them open-mindedness, and I read it for myself to raise flagging spirits and kindle my sense of wonder in the world anew.
I. Adore. This. Book.
The Reviewer
Olivia Wylie is a jack of all trades and a master of none. Trained in horticulture, she writes ethnobotany and horticulture under her own name and queer climate change fiction with a hopeful twist under the pen name of O.E. Tearmann. She lives in Colorado with a very patient partner and a rather impatient cat.