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Review: Elias and the Egg – Mere Rain

Elias and the Egg - Mere Rain

Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Erotic, Mpreg

LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Gender Fluid

Reviewer: Lucy

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About The Book

Trajan is a dragon pretending to be human. Elias is a hurt boy pretending to be tough. They are absolutely not ready to have a baby.

Trajan is descended from dragons. He mostly passes for human — except when it comes to reproduction. His kind don’t take mates, finding partners only long enough to incubate their eggs. Caught unprepared by a rare fertile period and longing for a child, Trajan takes a human back to his hotel. He knows it’s wrong to use Elias without telling him the truth, but it’s only for a few days. No harm done. After all, there’s no reason for them to see each other again. Even if the sex is amazing, and Elias is sweet, and Trajan has suddenly realized he isn’t sure how to take care of a baby after it comes out of the egg …

Elias’ life has been nothing but hardship since his parents kicked him out. A night in a swank hotel with a man who seems kind is at least a warm bed for once. And the sex is great, if a bit … intense. But then Trajan starts talking about dragons and eggs. Is Trajan crazy, or is Elias actually having an egg? And which is scarier? Trajan tells him he can leave in a couple days, but how do you forget an experience like this? Elias isn’t sure he wants to, especially if he’s really having a baby.

Neither of them knows what they want. But with every day that passes, it gets harder to say goodbye.

The Review

I absolutely adore dragons and mpreg stories are my literary drug. Reading Elias and the Egg was like hitting the jackpot. Mere Rain took a common mythological creature, gave it an interesting twist, and wrote a gorgeous story around it.

Trajan is a dragon but generations removed from the kind who fly, breathe fire, and shift. Other than aging slowly, the only real discernible difference is how dragons procreate. This was such a clever twist on the usual heat-induced mating that is common in omegaverse and mpreg stories. 

Elias is sweet and gentle and has been dealt a crappy hand. Having been turned out of his home at eighteen for being gay, he’s been homeless and turning tricks to keep himself fed. When Trajan hires him for the night, Elias is excited to have a warm, dry place to sleep for an evening. 

This was a delightful story, with a nice twist on the usual mpreg stories. The writing was excellent and kept me interested from beginning to end. I consumed this book in an embarrassingly short amount of time.

I loved both Trajan and Elias. They were a lovely contrast, with Trajan self-assured and aware of his place in the world and Elias managing to maintain his sweetness while being homeless and without much in the way of prospects for his future. The sex scenes were scorchingly hot and delicious. This was a fabulous story, with all sorts of goodness wrapped up in a clever premise and great writing.

I love discovering great authors. This was my first Mere Rain book, but Elias and the Egg has made me a fan. I will definitely be looking forward to other stories by this author. 

The Reviewer

I’m an avid reader who loves pretty much all genres except math textbooks. As a kid, my parents exposed me to everything from fairies, hobbits, and dragons to the biographies of interesting people around the world, interspersed with poetry, plays, and music. Into adulthood, I spent a lot of years with my nose buried in various textbooks. Now, I read whatever grabs my fancy.