Genre: Contemporary
LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Lesbian
Reviewer: Lucy
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About The Book
I’d always wanted more. Some fairytale that didn’t exist. One day I’d stood up and ran to give my children the life my family and community denied me. All of it had seemed simple in my brain but taking my life back at almost forty wasn’t just about changing zip codes. That was until one night in my favorite diner, and the more I was looking for asked to sit at my table.
I was a serial monogamist, but long-term hadn’t worked out for me. My fairytale didn’t exist. The woman for me wasn’t out there waiting, and if she was, I hadn’t found her yet. I resigned myself to teaching during the week and playing ball with my friends on the weekend. And then a chance meeting in a diner changed everything. All I had to do was make her see that all the love and support she needed was right in front of her.
The Review
The only thing that made me unhappy about this book was that it had to end. I felt sad when I came to the (extremely perfect) ending. The Story Began Once Upon a Time had just about everything I’ve ever loved about a romance novel: flawed, imperfect characters; an adorable meet-cute; sweet, blossoming love; really hot sex scenes; and total bonus points for having kids in the story.
Odessa left her abusive husband and brought her four teenage kids across the country for a new start. Even after a year away from the religious cult that ruled their lives, the little family is learning how to function in a reality so very different from the controlled, regulated existence they’d had before. A chance meeting in a diner brings Dani, a college professor and serial monogamist, into Odessa’s life. Dani is suave and charming and immediately recognizes Odessa’s strength and beauty.
Author Siobhan Smile creates lovely characters in Odessa and Dani. They’re flawed and real, and have their insecurities. The relationship develops naturally, with a firm foundation in friendship. Dani is cocky and competitive, but also gentle and reassuring. She knows when to hover and when to give space. As a result of her horrible marriage and lousy upbringing, Odessa underestimates her value, from her looks to her inner strength. But she’s seeking out new experiences and working toward a great life for herself and her kids.
There’s just enough angst in the story to make it interesting, but not so much that it was depressing or left me with a book hangover. The writing is truly excellent, with enough descriptions to give a basis for who looks like what and where they are, but not so much that you’re bored by the strings of adjectives. And while kids aren’t a requirement for me loving a story, the author gave us four great young adults who are supportive of their mother and are dealing with their own trauma as well as anyone could expect. I also loved that the same-sex relationship wasn’t a concern for Odessa or her kids.
The Story Began, Once Upon a Time by Siobhan Smile is a delicious, darling book. I thoroughly enjoyed the premise, the writing style, and, of course, Dani and Odessa, for whom I might have a slight book-crush. This was my introduction to this author, but I’m definitely looking forward to reading more from them.
The Reviewer
I’m an avid reader who loves pretty much all genres except math textbooks. As a kid, my parents exposed me to everything from fairies, hobbits, and dragons to the biographies of interesting people around the world, interspersed with poetry, plays, and music. Into adulthood, I spent a lot of years with my nose buried in various textbooks. Now, I read whatever grabs my fancy.