Genre: Contemporary, Rock ‘n’ Roll
LGBTQ+ Category: Gay
Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild
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About The Book
As front man for supergroup Queen Anne’s Revenge, Devon Bailey has a string of hit songs, has traveled the world, and has everything he could possibly want–or so the rest of the world thinks. Behind the scenes, however, Devon’s life is far emptier than anyone could imagine.
With his band scheduled as headliners at Rocktoberfest to kick off their latest world tour, Devon tries to maintain the illusion of perfection. But he’s deep in the closet, QAR’s drummer is battling addiction, and his bandmates seem to think Devon should have all the answers. When the unthinkable happens, Devon’s life is plunged into chaos, and all he wants is to escape the pressure.
Michael Ford has had a crush on Devon ever since he was hired as a bodyguard, but professional integrity demands he keep his feelings in check. However, Michael doesn’t hesitate to offer respite when Devon is overwhelmed by tragedy. Between the paparazzi on the prowl, grieving family hurling accusations, and Devon’s battle with his own demons, will the attraction between them have the chance to develop into something more?
Key Change is a book in the multi-author Road to Rocktoberfest 2023 series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but why not read them all and see who hits the stage next? Hot rockstars and the men who love them, what more could you ask for. Kick back, load up your kindle and enjoy the men of Rocktoberfest!
The Review
It has been ten years since frontman Devon Bailey and his three friends and bandmates first reached fame, and they’ve being in the top year after year. What once brought excitement and joy to Devon hast lost its shine. His best friend and drummer Chad just got out of rehab six months earlier, and it’s not the first time. The rest of the band have all but written Chad off, but since yhey’ve been friends since the age of six, Devon just keeps running to help him. Part of him says enough, and the other part says help him – he’s between a rock and a hard place.
Devon has a full-time bodyguard – Michael from Hercules Security. When a fan got into his hotel suite waving a gun, he insisted on having security, and has been suffering from PTSD. Michael makes him feel safe, and is always looking after him, making sure he is hydrated when they perform in the desert, like now at Rocktoberfest, that he eats properly, and trying to help when Chad goes off the deep end.
The concert is a huge success, but ended in tragedy when Chad dies from an overdose. Chad’s death brings about all kinds of changes – a month’s delay in their next tour, Paparazzi on overdrive, and Devon suffering from sadness and guilt.
Michael decides that the safest place for Devon is in his parents’ home, since they are away on vacation. Michael hopes that the quiet and familiarity of the place will help, but Devon refuses to eat or drink and just cries. Michael tries to get him to see a therapist, Devon won’t even consider it. But Michael isn’t giving up and has a plan up his sleeve. Devon will never know what hit him.
Michael cares deeply about Devon, but knows that his feelings will not lead to a relationship. First, Devon is his employer, second, Michael has no idea what his sexual preferences are and third, anything he does could lead to him be dismissed as Devon’s bodyguard and that is something he can’t even consider. Devon is gay, his family and bandmates all know, but the record label refused to allow him to come out for fear of losing female fans.
Chad’s funeral is a nightmare, fans and media are beyond intrusive, and when Chad is laid to rest, Devon has to be whisked away by boat. When he receives a letter from his manager updating him on plans for the band, all his guilt over losing Chad turns into anger. I won’t reveal what the letter said, but it woke Devon up to who Chad really was, and it’s not what Devon always thought.
The Road to Rocktoberfest 2023 is a multi-author series, all standalone books filled with amazing characters and a rock band theme. Your life is not your own, record labels own you, and you work long hours that leave you drained after a show. You always have to be on.
I loved what the author said – that they live in an artificial bubble, sometimes wondering what is real, who to trust worrying about when it all comes to an end.
Five stars.
The Reviewer
I am an avid reader the mother of 3 sons and grandmother to seven grandchildren. Since retiring I have been doing more reading while volunteering as a CASA worker. CASA is an organization that works with the family court system to ensure that children are in the best living situation. There are way too many children that get overlooked in the foster care system and I visit homes and make visits to the parents. I was born and raised in New York and my husband of 50 years and I live in Upstate New York.
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