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Review: Demons Treasure Warlocks – Toshi Drake

Demons Treasure Warlocks - Toshi Drake - Monsters in Love

Genre: Paranormal, Romance

LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay

Reviewer: Sweetie Pie, Paranormal Romance Guild

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About The Book

With imminent destruction possible, and the trust of the townsfolk gone, can Darius and Bale work together and set things right to send Hastur back to his demonic dimension?

Darius has worked hard to get where he is now. He has a home, two cats and a close circle of friends. He doesn’t mind that lightning sparks out of his fingers when he’s about to lose control, or his former lover, Bale, keeps hanging around, waiting for forgiveness Darius doesn’t believe he deserves.

He is fine. Everything is fine.

Bale knows that trying to get back into Darius’s good graces will require perseverance and a lot of patience. He’s determined to do it though, because Darius is the world to him. Agreeing to work with Hastur nearly killed him but it was worth it to keep Darius safe.

The Review

Demons Treasure Warlocks is a fitting end to the “Monsters in Love” trilogy. The book covers the defeat of Hastur, while telling the love story of Darius and Bale, and does both very well. Darius also has doubts about his abilities, but for a very good reason. Darius and Bale noth have history with Hastur, which destroyed their lives, love and their faith in their own abilities.

Bale is a stronger character than Darius. At the end of book 2, Darius banished Bale, but his love and faith in Darius won’t let him admit defeat or stay away, and this is the cornerstone of the book. It gives Darius needs the courage and strength to work on regaining his power and become a willing leader of the group, which group develops plans to defeat Hastur and his minions. The only character that bothered me a bit was Trey. He was negative and often just plain argumentative, but ultimately served a vital function as the “Naysayer” of the group.

I did find the sheer variety of beings – shifters, demons, warlocks, vampires, mushroom people, fairies, sprites, shadow monsters, humans, spores, and many more creatures – somewhat distracting at times.

But in the end [spoiler alert] good wins the day and triumphs over evil, always a great way to end a story.

4.5 stars.

The Reviewer

I worked about 20 years with the Federal government in Human Resources. The work allowed me to travel quite a bit, including living in Korea for 18 months. I am the mother of two son and grandmother to two grandchildren. The grandchildren are of course are bright, beautiful and can do very little wrong. I am currently retired and live at a Senior community. I volunteer with several groups, travel, and into multiple crafts. I am a reader and love most genre of books. Currently into shifters and military romance. I read the Bridgerton books before they were a thing, but firmly believe Georgette Heyer is still the Queen of historical romances. If you have not read her, definitely give her a read. I am a fan of Stephen King and Dean Koontz. I love action movies, mysteries, thrillers, and love ….love movies that are so awful they are funny. The worst-best decision I ever made was to quit a job I hated so I could watch the original Star Trek series.

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