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Review: Welcome to Blue Blaze Ranch – Opal Moritz

Welcome to Blue Blaze Ranch - Opal Moritz

Genre: Historical, Omegaverse, Western

LGBTQ+ Category: Gay

Reviewer: Maryann

Get It On Amazon | Wild Blue Yonder Collection

About The Book

Kieran should be looking forward to reuniting with his old army buddy, Arturo. He shouldn’t be so worried about seeing his friend for the first time in years—except that Arturo is a beta, and he was there when Kieran violently presented as an alpha for the first time. A lot has changed in Kieran’s life since then, like the all-alpha ranch he owns, but what he’s really looking for is the one thing he fears the most. Will Arturo run from Kieran when all his secrets are revealed? Or will the two of them discover something special together at Blue Blaze Ranch?

Welcome to Blue Blaze Ranch is a 21K MM omegaverse romance with an alpha/beta pairing. It orginally appeared in the anthology Wild Blue Yonder.

The Review

Kiernan had a rough time when he was in the army, especially when he discovered that he was an Alpha and facing the “rut.” He was hospitalized and put on suppressants. It was all too much for him.

Once he was out of the army, he became an alcoholic, eventually going to AA meetings, where he met his sponsor Jack. He had to learn how to control his urges and manage his life with the rut. He was very conservative and avoided connecting with  people, but he did do one good thing. He opened the Blue Blaze Ranch, where Alphas could come and take better care of themselves.

The ranch was not a place for Beta’s or Omega’s. He took in trainee’s to learn the ranch, and they had those who came to camp, hike and enjoy the outdoors.  But the people of the town still spread rumors and gossip of sex parties and fistfights at Blue Blaze.  Kieran always made it a point to go into town for either a hair cut or supplies just to quell all the rumors but Alpha’s still got a bad reputation.

Kiernan is expecting one of his army buddies, who he reconnected with because of the encouragement of his sponsor Jack. It’s been six years since he last saw Arturo. Arturo has been busy with a fantastic profession, traveling and his educational studies. Now he’s working on his Doctorate, has no problem getting grants, and can work from anywhere. 

Over the last year, Kiernan and Arturo had reconnected by emails, phone and text. Arturo had seen Kiernan at his worst and he wants to show Arturo that his life now is great. As Arturo and Kiernan re-kindle their friendship and become closer, will Kiernan be able to handle this unique situation, or will he turn Arturo away?

And what’s going on between grumpy old Corgan and Emilie? Emilie is a female Alpha. She takes care of the kitchen duties and has an animal therapy program. Corgan is the backbone of the Blue Blaze Ranch. He’s helped Kiernan get the place up and running. Both Corgan and Emilie are stubborn and always arguing, and it’s just another headache.

Opal Moriz has crafted a unique tale about being an Alpha with Welcome to Blue Blaze Ranch.  Kiernan details all the troubles he’s had with being an Alpha, and we learn a lot about what it means to be born this way. Kiernan has worked hard to build his confidence, but still has moments of self-doubt and even anger. Arturo is his opposite, always enthusiastic and enjoying life. And Corgan and Emilie bring lots of humor to the story with their constant bickering.  

It’s a story filled with friendships, humor and romance on a ranch a little outside the ordinary.

The story is now available as a stand-alone, but was originally published in the, a well done anthology with very talented authors:  Rena Butler, Augusta Connor and April Moritz.  All three stories take readers to various historical times in the old west: a young man’s first love, a kidnapping gone wrong, and a ranch of Alphas.  Each story is unique in its own way. All three authors were first time reads for me – very entertaining, perfect for those who like quick, short stories.

The Reviewer

Hi, I’m Maryann, I started life in New York, moved to New Hampshire and in 1965 uprooted again to Sacramento, California. Once I retired I moved to West Palm Beach, Florida in 2011 and just moved back to Sacramento in March of 2018. My son, his wife and step-daughter flew out to Florida and we road tripped back so they got to see sights they have never seen. New Orleans and the Grand Canyon were the highlights. Now I am back on the west coast again to stay! From a young age Ialways liked to read.

I remember going to the library and reading the “Doctor Dolittle” books by Hugh Lofting. Much later on became a big fan of the classics, Edgar Alan Poe, Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker and as time went by Agatha Christie, Ray Bradbury and Stephen Kingand many other authors.

My first M/M shifter book I read was written by Jan Irving the “Uncommon Cowboys” series from 2012. She was the first author I ever contacted and sent an email to letting her know how much I liked this series. Sometime along the way I read “Zero to the Bone”by Jane Seville, I think just about everyone has read this book!

As it stands right now I’m really into mysteries, grit, gore and “triggers” don’t bother me. But if a blurb piques my interest I will read the book.

My kindle collection eclectic and over three thousand books and my Audible collection is slowly growing. I have both the kindle and audible apps on my ipod, ipads, and MAC. So there is never an excuse not to be listening or reading.

I joined Goodreads around 2012 and started posting reviews. One day a wonderful lady, Lisa Horan of The Novel Approach, sent me an email to see if I wanted to join her review group. Joining her site was such an eye opener. I got introduce to so many new authors that write for the LGBTQ genre. Needless to say, it was heart breaking when it ended.

But I found a really great site, QRI and it’s right here in Sacramento. Last year at QSAC I actually got to meet Scott Coatsworth, Amy Lane and Jeff Adams.