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Review: The Isle of Skiy – K.L. Noone

The Isle of Skiy - K.L. Noone

Genre: Fantasy, Cozy Fantasy

LGBTQ+ Category: Gay

Reviewer: Rari

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About The Book

The Isle of Skiy, surrounded by ocean, is a beautiful, prosperous land where no one ever arrives and no one ever leaves. According to myth, mysterious ocean-dwellers protect the isle, but no one’s ever seen them, and seeking to disturb the peace is forbidden.

But Kevane, the newest and youngest Lord of Skiy, can’t help asking questions. And he isn’t the only one. His outwardly tidy household minister Rill possesses radical tendencies and a family secret. Kev’s mother refuses to share what she knows. And the sea-folk have their own reasons for guarding this particular island.

Together, Kev and Rill will uncover the truth of a legend, fall in love, and change two worlds: sea and Skiy.

The Review

I had read and enjoyed books by this author before, which is why I was excited about this one, and it was just as good as the others. This is told like a fable about a Lord and his consort, choosing to do something against the traditions of the Isle of Skiy, and potentially risking the lives and safety of everyone. 

Kev is the Lord of the Island, newly crowned since his father passed away suddenly. Rill is his house minister who takes care of everything in the royal palace. 

The people of Skiy have a tradition where they take dead bodies down to the beach and have a ceremony, and then leave them for the lords of the sea to come and take them. It’s forbidden to question this practice, or to wait or look back once the body is left behind. But since his father’s death, Kev has been wondering what happens to them. So one day, he dares to ask Rill. Though Rill tells him it’s blasphemy, he too admits to wanting to know, since his grandfather is on his deathbed.

Kev and Rill enter into a relationship, and decide to wait for the sea lords after Rill’s grandfather dies. If they offend the sea lords, it could potentially destroy the peace and prosperity the island has enjoyed. 

This was a very short book, only 43 pages, and what I love the most is the author’s prose that flows like poetry. This one didn’t make me cry, but it did make me smile a lot. And that’s as precious as tears.

The Reviewer

Rari is an author and editor writing under the name of Niranjan K. She is an avid reader of all things fantasy, and loves to discourse at length about her favourite books as well as shows. This blog is the space where she will be sharing her views and insights of the books, shows and movies that she likes.