Genre: Sci-Fi, Romance
LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Non-Binary
Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild
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About The Book
Evan isn’t brave.
But when he hears a group of Human Firsters attacking a humanoid garbage collection bot, he has to step in. He rescues an undiscovered SPARK, a self-aware android who’s never experienced life outside of his collection route and the miserable, gray trash depot.
Evan wants to help. But he might have underestimated just how cute Quincy can be. Or just how difficult it would be living with a sexy android who’s exactly his type. But if Evan couldn’t get his crappy exes to stick around, how could he ever capture Quincy’s interest?
Quincy loves flowers growing in sidewalk cracks. And making food in Evan’s kitchen, even though he can’t eat it. Oh, and jokes. Quincy loves jokes. He’s kind of even getting good at them.
Most of all, he loves Evan.
As Quincy settles into his new life, he can’t escape from prejudice against SPARKs. Evan is everything he wants, if only he can stay off the Human Firsters’ radar long enough to win his love.
Garbage is a hurt/comfort story with a cuddliest android you’ve ever met and a sweet, submissive man who wishes he were good enough to deserve him. It has sloth jokes, a kidnapping, an android trying to figure out humanity (and paperclips!), body positivity, and kinky fun with some extra robot appendages…
Warnings: hate speech, on-page assault, and body shaming
The Review
Evan met CNS-84-2 when the robot was being attacked, and managed to save him before he suffered any harm, and took him home with him. Evan realized that the robot was a SPARK – he was sentient and had feelings – and they began a friendship. Evan decided to give CNS-84-2 a name, Quincy, and from that moment on they became roommates.
Evan drives Quincy to work in the morning so he can do his job as a garbage man, and then picks him up at night. He asks his best friend Ben to add additional memory into Quincy and to make some other improvements. As they spend time together, Evan begins to have feelings for Quincy. He has a fascination with AIs, watches AI porn, and has even experienced sex with some of them. Unfortunately, Quincy has no sexual organ, but Evan still enjoys his goodness, his willingness to learn and his love for simple things, like his own towel.
Quincy must be registered as a SPARK, so he can get his own job and live freely. Until then, he belongs to the government and has no individuality. Everything Quincy sees, he learns – how to cook and how to shop on the computer. And he learns from some of Evan’s friends, who are also SPARKS.
There is also constant fear of attacks from a group called Humans First, who are not happy about robots taking their jobs. Even now we see more and more how people being replaced by machines – toll booths and customer support, for instance. I have yelled at the phone many times, asking for a human.
Quincy reminded me of Data from Star Trek, having to prove that he was sentient and had feelings. Quincy is like a child in a candy store – every new thing he learns excites him, and he learns everything very quickly.
There are surprises as well as some violence by Humans First but that isn’t unusual since we humans often find any reason to hate: religion, being gay or abortion. We just need something to find and hate.
This was a very interesting book. 4 stars.
The Reviewer
I am an avid reader the mother of 3 sons and grandmother to seven grandchildren. Since retiring I have been doing more reading while volunteering as a CASA worker. CASA is an organization that works with the family court system to ensure that children are in the best living situation. There are way too many children that get overlooked in the foster care system and I visit homes and make visits to the parents. I was born and raised in New York and my husband of 50 years and I live in Upstate New York.
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