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Lines on the Mirror

by Lynn Michaels

Lines on the Mirror - Lynn Michaels
Editions:Kindle: $ 2.99
ISBN: 1517017254
Pages: 227
Paperback (Abkhazian): $ 9.99 USD
ISBN: 1517017254
Size: 5.20 x 8.00 in
Pages: 226

The mirror doesn’t lie -- if he wants to reunite with his first love, he needs to make changes fast.

Martin has always done everything his parents ever asked, never making waves, but never learning how to say no either. Then his new partying neighbors introduce him to a different lifestyle that pushes his limits. The only thing keeping him grounded is getting back in touch with his first love, Daltrey.

Now Daltrey is a successful artist, playing by his own rules and won't compromise his morals, even for Martin. So, when Martin’s new friends drag him down to rock bottom, will Daltrey wait for him to take control of his life again?


Love on the Line, Book 1.

Note: Love on the Line books can be read in any order. Lines on the Mirror has be re-edited; however, none of the content has changed.

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"No. Don't. Don't move. I don't care about the music." I pulled him closer and held him tighter. Daltrey snuggled against my chest. His hands slid down my back to cup one ass cheek. I couldn't get enough of how his skin rubbed against mine, chest to chest, and the friction of the hair on our legs as they danced together. My arms around him wished for an eternity there. I buried my nose in his hair, against his neck. Perfection.

Reviews:Meredith on Diverse Reader Blog wrote:

This is the first time I've read Lynn Michaels' work. Whenever I read a new author there's this moment, right before you start, that you whisper to yourself, "please let me love them." LOL You all know what I'm saying. Well, Lynn has definitely sparked my attention with Lines on the Mirror.
There were parts, a lot of, that gutted me. Martin is the MC of this story, and he's a mess and a half. His whole entire life he's been being his father's shadow. Done what he wanted, became what he wanted. He never really did a thing for himself. Then he meets his new neighbors and at first I was like, "Oh these people are cool. They will help him see the world more relaxed." Nope. Well, they did show him things. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll kinds of things. A dangerous path they put him on (Yes that's Yoda) I kept reading it and thought, holy peer pressure! I mean we all have been there. Done what the cool kids want just to be needed, adored, loved. Something very much lacking in Martin's life. Then comes the old flame, Daltry. That's when things shift. Martin's in a deep dark place and Daltry is a light he desperately needs and now Martin needs to choose Daltry or the dangerous road he's currently driving out of control on. This is a twisty, dark story but it's well written and it has a very powerful message. I recommend it for sure.

About the Author

Lynn Michaels lives and writes in Tampa, Florida where the sun is hot and the Sangria is cold. When she’s not writing she’s kayaking, hanging with her husband, or reading by the pool. Lynn writes Male/Male romance because she believes everyone deserves a happy ending and the dynamics of male characters can be intriguing, vulnerable, and exciting. She has both contemporary and paranormal titles and has been writing since 2014. Her stories don’t follow any set guidelines or ideas, but come from her heart and contain love in many forms.