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Bachelor Hero: Book 6.5

by Sam E. Kraemer

A Lonely Heroes Holiday Story

The heroes from Golden Elite Associates—America have put their plans and lives on hold for a year as they try to cope with the aftermath of Lawry “Casper” Schatz and Maxim Partee’s engagement party—the night Blue was bombed by an unknown assailant. The explosion impacted everyone’s lives, and recovery has been slow for the group.
In the spirit of turning the page on the incident, Shepard “Smokey” Colson and Parker Howzer decide to host a bachelor party at their lake house. They invite all of their friends to join them for a celebratory weekend, and what better time to have a big party than New Years!

Each couple is ready to move forward with their plans in one way or another—someone wants a baby; someone wants to live part of the year in another country; two have job opportunities that will be life changing; someone wants to make future plans that include starting a family; the desire for a forever home is important to another hero. How will they achieve their goals? That’s what they’re all hoping to figure out. Add in a few surprise guests with unclear agendas, and let the chaos begin!

One thing is certain—someone’s going to tie the knot!

This book is approximately 70,000 words in length and ends happily. It is the seventh book in the series entitled, “The Lonely Heroes.”

Pairings: M-M
Heat Level: 3
Romantic Content: 5
Ending: Click here to reveal
Character Identities: Gay
Tropes: Age Difference, Bodyguard/Guardian Angel, Queer Wedding
Languages Available: English

About the Author

I’m Sam E. Kraemer and I grew up in the rural Midwest before moving to the East Coast with a dashing young man who swept me off my feet, and we’ve now settled in the desert of Nevada. I write M/M contemporary romance, subgenres: sweet, low angst, age-gap, cowboys, mysteries, and military/mercenary to name a few. I am a firm believer that “Love is Love” regardless of how it presents itself, and I’m a staunch ally of the LGBTQIA+ community.

I have a loving, supportive family, and I feel blessed by the universe and thankful every day for all I have been given. I’m old enough to know how to have fun, but too old to care what others think about my definition of a good time. In my heart and soul, I believe I hit the cosmic jackpot. Cheers!