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Ham & Echo: A New Kingdom

by M. Jay Williams

Book Cover: Ham & Echo: A New Kingdom
Editions:Kindle: $ 5.99
Pages: 221
Paperback: $ 13.99
ISBN: 979-8342879989
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 249
Hardcover: $ 20.99
ISBN: 979-8342881531
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 249

Aeon, in a daring move, brings the Kitchi Mizhe regime to its knees, putting an end to their brutal human harvesting. But his victory comes at a steep cost. In his recklessness, the shield protecting Wenonah Springs will falter, setting off a chain of events that will forever alter the city’s fate. Now, Ham finds himself thrust into an unexpected leadership role, struggling to win the trust of the Kitchi Mizhe while navigating a volatile political landscape.

Exiled and isolated, Aeon stumbles upon a mysterious race—rumored to be a deadly threat to the Kitchi Mizhe. Desperate and defiant, he infiltrates their society, leading them straight to the doorstep of Wenonah Springs, forcing a first encounter that could either save the city—or destroy it.

Will Ham rise to the challenge and steer his people through the storm? Or will Aeon’s dangerous gamble doom them all?


Publisher: Independently Published
Pairings: M-M
Heat Level: 1
Romantic Content: 2
Ending: Click here to reveal
Character Identities: Gay
Protagonist 1 Age: Varies During Story
Protagonist 2 Age: Varies During Story
Protagonist 3 Age: Varies During Story
Tropes: Everyone is Queer
Word Count: 65485
Setting: Wenonah Springs / Brine Haven - Underwater communities
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters

Venturing this far beyond the city limits was a new experience for me. For the past few days, I’ve been navigating my way through the waters to the east. Seeking refuge in underwater grottoes and exploring the remnants of shipwrecks has become my routine. Perpetual darkness shrouds my surroundings outside the protective dome of Wenonah Springs, making it impossible to discern day from night. The importance of the city’s encapsulating dome was evident now. Within its confines, the urban landscape below mirrors the day/night cycle of the surface world. The artificial canopy replicated the brightening hues of early morning, intensifying as the day progressed, culminating in the transition to night. I find myself strangely missing the familiarity of that cyclic rhythm, a sentiment I never thought I’d acknowledge, adding a touch of ironic humor to the situation.


In this darkened environment, the sensitivity of my temporal fins was heightened, enhancing the limits of my echolocation. I can detect the audio outline of the fish in my proximity, making it easy to get a quick meal on the go. It is increasingly challenging to find short jaw cisco fish, one of my favorite meals, plentiful in Lake Superior. This leads me to believe that I’ve swum out of the waters of my home and have indeed entered a new environment, Lake Huron.

It may be my imagination, but the water feels warmer. Although there are no dramatic differences between Lake Superior’s water and Lake Huron’s, subtle clues like the difference in water temperature, clarity, and the presence of different aquatic species have led me to believe that I have transitioned into Lake Huron’s waters. I’ve never been this far from Wenonah Springs. The fear of the unfamiliar and the exhilaration of adventure are a constant companion. I’m heading toward the unknown, and the thrill of discovery is palpable.

There was nothing out of the ordinary here. If I didn’t know any better, I would say this feels exactly the same as swimming through the Outer Water Territories. I’m starting to believe that if there were another species of aquatic humanoid creatures out here, I would have stumbled upon them by now. Granted, I haven’t been actively searching for them either. The lake is vast, and I’ve concentrated my efforts on fleeing my home. I don’t know if Ham has sent the royal guards out to search for me, so I don’t feel it prudent to linger in one spot for too long. What keeps me going onward is I don’t have a choice. I can never go back home, not after killing the Sovereign. Kinda sunk that ship. It was a desperate act, but I had no other choice. Now, I aim to travel for several more days and find a safe and secure shelter to live out the rest of my days in solitude.


About the Author

He was born in Hartford, Connecticut, where he spent his youth. As an adult he made his way to southern Connecticut and settled in New Haven.

Armed with a bachelor’s degree in fine arts, his early years were marked by the unique perspective gained from a career as a flight attendant, allowing him to explore the world firsthand.

The roots of his passion for writing can be traced back to his early days of journaling, sparked by a daily classroom assignment that has stuck with him, and is a habit that still persist. Today his love for writing takes the form of fiction and fantasy novels.

Beyond the realm of literature, he is a fervent advocate for nurturing both body and spirit. Regular visits to the gym serve as a means to fortify the physical self, while his affection for crafts, particularly knitting, acts as a balm for the soul.

In his life, close friends and family are the real fountain of youth. It’s all about balancing life’s adventures with the solid support from loved ones. Through exploring the world, expressing creativity, and having those dependable connections, this author’s journey is about finding solace in his surroundings.