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The Journey of Jimini Renn

by April Kelley

The Journey of Jimini Renn - April Kelley
Editions:Paperback: $ 9.99
ISBN: 9781370917136
Pages: 192
Kindle: $ 3.99
Pages: 192

In a world without surface water, Jimini Renn wants nothing more than to live inside the protective walls of Adam City for the rest of his life, but his little brother has other ideas.  

 As far as Jimini is concerned, Adam City has everything he needs. It has a well that provides much-needed water, food, and safety from the dangers of the outside world. When his bookworm of a brother leaves to chase waterfalls, Jimini must follow even though he knows it will probably mean his death. When the first person he meets on the outside pulls a gun on him, he’s proven right. No one who calls himself a slaver and has a gun has Jimini’s safety in mind, even if he is sexy. The journey Jimini expects isn’t the one he gets.

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Jimini was almost to the safer structure when he noticed something out of place out of the corner of his eyes. Some heap of a shape lay in the dirt in between the buildings. Jimini stopped and looked at it more closely. Underneath the dirt that settled on top of the thing was a hint of something black and shiny. He walked closer to it, and it moved, groaning as it turned, unsettling the sand on top of it. Jimini jumped and then put a hand to his heart.

What if there were monsters like in one of Aurri’s books? What if they were some half-dead creature, who liked to eat human flesh and have his way with the body when he had a full meal? What if he helped this creature and it did wicked things to him in exchange?

It was official. Jimini had lost his mind. The heat and the sun had stolen it from him.


Him. Her. It wasn’t an it, but a person. He knew this because the shiny black thing he saw was a boot attached a human being, who looked almost dead except for a slight movement.

Jimini took a couple of steps closer to the person and then stopped, waiting to see if they would move again. The person groaned, turning on their back. Jimini pulled the ropes from the water jugs over his head and let them fall to the ground gently. He picked one of the jugs up and made his way over to the man.

Jimini tried to make as much noise as he could, alerting the man to his presence. “Hey. I have water to share with you,” he said and watched as the man raised his arm up. He had a gun in his hand, although he held it unsteadily.

A shot rang out, and Jimini fell to the ground immediately, wrapping his arms around his legs. He was breathing heavily, and his heart beat wildly against his chest. Jimini held the jug up in the air over his head before setting it down as close to the man as he could get it.

Jimini stayed where he was for long minutes, and nothing moved. Every tiny molecule around them was aware of the danger. He assessed his body for pain and discovered none. Thankfully, the man had missed.

Jimini raised his head slowly and looked at the man. He had his gun lowered, but he didn’t make a move for the jug of water. Jimini crawled forward and moved the jug closer. He approached the man as if he were a wild animal who would strike at any moment. Still, the man didn’t move.

“I will not hurt you, sir,” Jimini said and tried to keep some of the fear out of his voice. He knew he was unsuccessful, though.

He moved the jug of water next to the man and tried to move away as quickly as possible, but the man grabbed his hand in such a tight grip that Jimini couldn’t get away from him even if he tried. The man pulled him down and took the jug with his other hand. He held it out to Jimini. Jimini looked at the jug and then at the man, trying to figure out what the man wanted from him.

“Help me,” the man whispered, so lightly Jimini could barely hear it.


About the Author

April Kelley is an author of LGBT Romance. Her works include The Journey of Jimini Renn, which was a Rainbow Awards finalist, Whispers of Home, the Saint Lakes series, and over thirty more. She is a main contributor for Once & Books. If you'd like to become a patron sign up here: