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We Broke the 1,000 Book Level!


It was a good week at QRI. We surpassed 1,000 books on the site – 1,030 to be exact – and now have more than 230 authors. We have our first official advertisers on board – Dreamspinner and MLR Press. And on Friday our developer will be upgrading the site to version four, which will set the stage for getting our long awaited search and page filtering. We’re also addressing the site slowness – it’s a new system and we’ve loaded a lot into it. Our ISP and developer are working to make the site run more efficiently and quickly. Once we launch V4, we’ll start doing more reader outreach. … Read more

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BLOG TOUR: Midnight by J.V. Speyer

Midnight meme - J.V. Speyer

Author Name: J.V. Speyer Book Name: Midnight Page/Word Count: 74 pages, 27K Words Categories: Gay Romance, Contemporary Romance Release Date: August 1, 2016 Publisher: Less Than Three Press, LLC Cover: Natasha Snow Buy Links:   Blurb: Six weeks after the sudden departure of his partner, Brandon finally emerges from seclusion—but still reeling from the loss of the man he thought he’d spend the rest of his life with. Then a chance encounter leaves him feeling hurt and confused, and a series of other seemingly random encounters slowly makes him wonder if his relationship was ever what he thought—and if he ever really knew Adrian at all. Excerpt: Brandon shuffled through … Read more

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Flirtatious Fiction Friday!

Flirtatious Fiction Friday

Welcome to F3: FLIRTATIOUS FICTION FRIDAY at our FB discussion group – a chance for our queer romance writers chance to pop in and tell us about their latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. As long as it’s queer romance, we want to hear about it. This is our once a week promo day. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post so we can comment on yours specifically –Check out the … Read more

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220 Authors, 900+ Books and Much More to Come

Hey all, Just popping in for our weekly update on the QRI site, or Q-Rink, as the hubby calls it. 🙂 We just topped 900 listed books, and will probably hit a thousand this weekend – phenomenal growth in just five weeks, thanks to the wonderful authors on the site. We’ve also added our first ad, sorted out some site slowness problems, and plan more speed optimization to come. Next week will likely see our upgrade to Version Four of the the books plugin we use, which will add a few things but is more of a back-end update. But V4 will allow us to move forward on our most … Read more

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Flirtatious Fiction Friday!

Welcome to F3: FLIRTATIOUS FICTION FRIDAY at our FB discussion group – a chance for our queer romance writers chance to pop in and tell us about their latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. As long as it’s queer romance, we want to hear about it. This is our once a week promo day. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post so we can comment on yours specifically –Check out the … Read more

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QRI Is Growing Fast

Hey all… We’re just about at the one month mark for the site. 🙂 We’re also within spitting distance of 800 books on the site, and have almost 200 authors on the site now. Our short to mid-term plans: Update to Version 4 of the plugin that runs the directory Work with the developer to get our search and book page filters up and running Bring in publishers and bloggers to work with us on site content Outreach to cons for advertising Building a reader base for the site If you’re an author, you still have time to take advantage of our launch sale – 15 months for the … Read more

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BOOK BLAST: The Mutt: An Order Series Short Story by Kasia Bacon

The Mutt: An Order Series Short Story

Author Name: Kasia Bacon Book Name: The Mutt: An Order Series Short Story Series: The Order, Book can be read as a standalone Page/Word Count: 38 pages, 6K words Categories: Fantasy/Paranormal/Sci-Fi, Gay Romance Release Date: January 20, 2017 Publisher: Kasia Bacon Cover Artist: Marek Frankowski Buy Links:   Blurb: I, Ervyn Morryés of the Black Mountain clan, know all about control. As the only fair-haired Dark Elf in the Highlands, I had to learn to control my fists and my temper in the face of derision. To become the best archer amongst my peers, I had to learn to control my breathing and my movements. ​But the day the half-breed … Read more

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Flirtatious Fiction Friday

Flirtatious Fiction Friday

Welcome to F3: FLIRTATIOUS FICTION FRIDAY at our FB discussion group – a chance for our queer romance writers chance to pop in and tell us about their latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. As long as it’s queer romance, we want to hear about it. This is our once a week promo day. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post so we can comment on yours specifically –Check out the … Read more

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JGB RELEASE DAY REVIEW: Skythane by J. Scott Coatsworth

Jameson Havercamp, a psych from a conservative religious colony, has come to Oberon—unique among the Common Worlds—in search of a rare substance called pith. He’s guided through the wilds on his quest by Xander Kinnson, a handsome, cocky skythane with a troubled past.

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Defining the boundaries of “Romance”

Gay Guys Selfie - Kaje Harper

I posted on Love Bytes Reviews about questions that came up as Scott was designing this site… “One of the things I’ve been doing this past month is helping get the Queeromance Ink book-link site up and running. And in the process, I stumbled across an old question. When is a book really “Romance” and when isn’t it? And while Queeromance Ink has inclusiveness and wide access as a primary goal, it still arose in some discussions of how the site would function, and in reader questions. Defining romance came up in two ways. One was in deciding which books actually belong on a site labeled “Queer Romance?” We want … Read more