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Flirtatious Fiction Friday

Flirtatious Fiction Friday

Welcome to F3: FLIRTATIOUS FICTION FRIDAY at our FB discussion group – a chance for our queer romance writers chance to pop in and tell us about their latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. As long as it’s queer romance, we want to hear about it. This is our once a week promo day. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post so we can comment on yours specifically –Check out the … Read more

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JGB RELEASE DAY REVIEW: Skythane by J. Scott Coatsworth

Jameson Havercamp, a psych from a conservative religious colony, has come to Oberon—unique among the Common Worlds—in search of a rare substance called pith. He’s guided through the wilds on his quest by Xander Kinnson, a handsome, cocky skythane with a troubled past.

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Defining the boundaries of “Romance”

Gay Guys Selfie - Kaje Harper

I posted on Love Bytes Reviews about questions that came up as Scott was designing this site… “One of the things I’ve been doing this past month is helping get the Queeromance Ink book-link site up and running. And in the process, I stumbled across an old question. When is a book really “Romance” and when isn’t it? And while Queeromance Ink has inclusiveness and wide access as a primary goal, it still arose in some discussions of how the site would function, and in reader questions. Defining romance came up in two ways. One was in deciding which books actually belong on a site labeled “Queer Romance?” We want … Read more

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It’s Been a Busy Week!

Custom Fields

Hey all… QRI is growing, and fast! We now have 141 authors, and we just topped 700 books about an hour ago. 🙂 In development news, this week saw the launch of custom fields, including Heat Level, Romantic Content, Tropes, Character Ages, and more – laying the groundwork for search filtering. When filtering arrives on the site, you’ll be able to choose from a variety of fields to either include or exclude books to narrow in on the books you want. We also cleaned up and organized the author-entered “tags” section. We’ll be moving on to promoting the site to readers shortly now that we have a decent collection of … Read more

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Anthology Calls

Opportunity Calling

Sapphire Books “Long Distance Love” Anthology “Sapphire Books is dedicated to quality outcomes that respectfully reflect the lives of the lesbian community. We publish and promote lesbian literature that embraces and reflects those diverse experiences. We value diversity of stories, experiences, and celebrate those diversities through lesbian literature.” This call for submission is for their New Anthology is entitled “A Heart Well Traveled – Tales of Long Distance Love Affairs and Unlikely Outcomes” We are seeking stories that feature a “Long Distance Love Relationship” at its nucleus, or as a key part of the story. The focus of the story is the journey the characters take and how their lives … Read more

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Flirtatious Fiction Friday!

Welcome to F3: FLIRTATIOUS FICTION FRIDAY at our FB discussion group – a chance for our queer romance writers chance to pop in and tell us about their latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. As long as it’s queer romance, we want to hear about it. This is our once a week promo day. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post so we can comment on yours specifically –Check out the … Read more

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Queeromance Ink is Growing!

Queeromance Ink

Hey all, We’re so excited to see what’s happened on the QRI site in the five days since launch. We’re already up to 59 authors, and our catalog just passed 200 books this morning. There have been minimal issues (thanks to our developer and to the coding Gods). And we just launched our Twitter account at: Tweets by QueeromanceInk We have big plans for the site, but for now we’re thrilled just to see it working as planned and humming along. 🙂 –Scott & Mark

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Launching Queeromance Ink.

Welcome to the new Queeromance Ink site. We’re building a place where romance writers across the LGBTIQA spectrum can share their works, and where readers can find new books to read using all kinds of fields and information that can be difficult to find on other sites. Our site is author, publisher, and affiliate sales supported. We do not sell books directly on, but instead, point you to all the places online where you can find them, so you can choose your preferred retailer. The owners of this site are closely involved with the queer romance community. Scott is a romance and sci fi-fantasy writer, and Mark is an … Read more