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Review: Promises 1 – Michael Barnette

Promises 1 - Michael Barnette

Genre: Science Fiction, Cyberpunk, Erotica, BDSM, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book With his life– and emotions– turned upside down David finds himself unable to concentrate on his work because his mind is just not on his research. His thoughts are on the new experiments he’s been part of in his apartment. Experiments that are whetting new found appetites for things more satisfying than food or money. Research involving his own psyche and an addiction called Bells. Trigger Warnings: Strong BDSM content (series), violence, blood. Note: these books should be read in order: Zoner,  Control, Promises 1 The Review David Jessman has made his way to … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Delphia Baisden

Delphia Baisden

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Delphia Baisden MM Contemporary, Gaylit, Mystery-Thriller Delphia Baisden is a proud indie author. In 2016, she finally decided to use her passion for writing to tell the love stories of her heart and hasn’t stopped since. She is an avid rock ‘n’ roll fan who feels most comfortable in a band tee and a pair of jeans. She currently lives in a small town near Columbus, Ohio, with her mom, Lola. More Info: Delphia’s Books: YOU CAN “FAVORITE” THIS AUTHOR TO GET UPDATES BY CLICKING THE STAR NEXT TO THEIR NAME ON QRI

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Review: Fairest – K.S. Trenten

Fairest - K.S. Trenten

Genre: Fantasy, Romance, YA LGBTQ+ Category: Lesbian Reviewer: Rari Get It At Amazon | Publisher | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords About The Book All of my life, I’ve been haunted by her dark eyes. At birth, she cursed me to prick my finger on the spindle and sleep for a century. She appears in my dreams, my reflections, shaping my desires. Who is she? My guardian has only revealed a few enigmatic words as to her identity, the fairest of them all. Follow me into the lonely Forest of Tears where the dwarves dwell, walking where she once walked. Gaze into the depths of the magic mirror which reveals her secrets. For I refuse to fear her, … Read more

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Review: Blood of the Whirlwind – M.D. Grimm

Blood of the Whirlwind - M.D. Grimm

Genre: MM Paranormal Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book The bull shifter, Ryan, and his human mate, Caleb, have made a good life together. Alongside Caleb’s mother, Mandy, they run an animal rehabilitation center on their ranch. Ryan has become the honorary uncle to two young bull shifters, and Caleb is proud at how well his mate has acclimated to the human world. For Ryan, he’s found the family and the peace he’s long craved, and he’s determined to keep it by whatever means necessary. But their quiet lives are disrupted when Caleb’s aunt—Chief Hera of the US Agency—visits. And she brings a … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Kris Jacen

Kris Jacen avater / chibi

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Kris Jacen MM Action-Adventure, Contemporary, Fantasy, Gaylit, Holiday, Military, Paranormal Kris Jacen grew up just north of Boston, Massachusetts, met her soldier in high school but didn’t marry him until almost ten years later. She moved around with him and their daughters (born in two different states thanks to the Army) for the first 19 years of their marriage (they celebrated their silver anniversary in 2018) before settling in western New York. She has been the Editor in Chief and Formatting Director for ManLoveRomance Press and its imprints since January of 2008 and has never … Read more

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Review: Nightshade Emporium – Hayden Thorne

Nightshade Emporium - Hayden Thorne

Genre: Contemporary Fantasy, Mythology, Romance, Dark Comedy LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon | Universal Buy Link About The Book When the kindly old ferryman to the underworld injures his ankle, primordial gods come together to help guide the newly departed to their final journey. To make the task more interesting to the deathless, a quaint little shop hawking ephemera becomes the vehicle through which breadcrumbs to the underworld are scattered. All this is a temporary situation, meant to end when the broken ankle is healed. It sounds easy and simple enough. Or so it seems. The Nightshade family, headed by Barbara Nightshade, the … Read more

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Review: Control – Michael Barnette

Control - Michael Barnette

Genre: Sci-Fi, Erotic LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book David Jessman has found his lover; what he’s lacking is control of himself, the situation he’s in and the blond gunwhore known to him only as Bells. Bad as that is for a man used to being in charge, he’s finding that losing control may not be that terrible after all. Warnings: m/m, BDSM, dark erotic romance, boss/employee, scifi, cyberpunk, biopunk Author’s Note: The series must be read in order as the books comprise a single story. The Review David Jessman is surprised to find himself back in his 58th floor apartment, and that Bell … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Miranda Turner

Miranda Turner

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Miranda Turner MM Action-Adventure, Fantasy, Paranormal Miranda Turner is a single mom of eight living outside a small, hippie town in the middle of Ohio. She’s surrounded by children, chickens, and one temperamental editor kitty who is silently judging her on a daily basis. She is a voracious reader and an editor who decided she had different stories to tell. She firmly believes a happily ever after is there for everyone, but she likes to make her characters earn it. More Info: YOU CAN “FAVORITE” THIS AUTHOR TO GET UPDATES BY CLICKING THE STAR … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Grace Kilian Delaney

Grace Kilian Delaney

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Grace Kilian Delaney MM, M-NB, MMF Contemporary, Paranormal Grace Kilian Delaney penned epic tales of romance years before she got the idea that one wasn’t half bad, and her publisher agreed–after a few attempts. She grew up a Masshole, and relocated with her husband to California, where the snow stays on the mountain and looks fantastic from so far away. Instead of children, she is ruled by an ancient cat that is alive by sheer will alone, a dog that demands his walks, and plot bunnies that leave messes all over her kitchen table. More … Read more

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Review: Pierre & Bill Now – Patrick Doyle

Pierre & Bill Now - Patrick Doyle

Genre: Contemporary LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book A novel about gay men as lovers, parents, children, and friends. Pierre and Bill have been together for 35 years ever since Bill was a kid. Neither related nor romantically involved, their relationship began with a third man who has long since passed. Like everyone, they face challenges. Theirs, though, are acute as are anyone’s who lives outside the norm. But they overcame those obstacles and in the end, each found a partner and all four men settled down together—along with one little girl. ‘Pierre & Bill Now’ opens several years later and Pierre and Bill … Read more