Review: The Thousand-and-One Rides of the Devil’s Horse – Eric Alan Westfall
Genre: Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It At Amazon | Smashwords | Universal Buy Link About The Book Diablo. Big as one o’ them beer-pullin’ horses, quarter horse sleek, blacker’n the blackest black ya kin see inside yer head er elsewheres. They said as how he was the best saddle bronc ever, ‘n’ weren’t nobody gonna stay on him. Ha! He was the Devil hisself made horse. How else ya gonna explain as how the bosses was right? Nobody stayed the eight seconds when the Devil’s horse were buckin’. Weren’t no big deal, him tossin’ riders them first ten, twenny times, with the prize the bosses offered goin’ up a grand each … Read more