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A Victorian Memoir

by Anna Angelus

A Victorian Memoir - Anna Angelus
Editions:ePub: $ 1.99
ISBN: 9798230255871

"A Victorian Memoir: or an anonymous treatise upon the youthful misadventures of a wide-eyed naif during the occasion of his sharing close quarters with two more worldly men who undertook to introduce him to the many and varied pleasures of the university life, with myriad digressions."

An anonymous Victorian-era London barrister sets about recording some of his youthful indiscretions for our delectation, ranging from his experiences being seduced and thoroughly educated by his university roommates to the longings awakened by spying upon his stern private tutor.


As I now approach the end of an illustrious career in the law, though not, I have reasonable cause to anticipate, the end of my years, I feel compelled to take up my pen and relate some formative incidents from my youth, when I first entered the hallowed halls of the venerable institution that oversaw my further education.

My companions in these adventures are yet living, and have living family and fine careers of their own, and so I will not do them the disservice of naming them in these pages.

One was a gentleman of great sporting prowess, involved in the athletic pursuits of rowing and boxing and cricket and track-and-field. These activities brought great acclaim to the university’s athletic endeavours, but also bestowed upon him the most magnificent physique imaginable as well as remarkable stamina – of which qualities, more anon. I shall refer to him henceforth as the Sportsman.


The other participant of our youthful escapades was a more scholarly type, erudite and often eloquent, at the university through a scholarship earned through purest merit despite a rather low familial situation. But since those sterling intellectual qualities were not of the greatest purport during our interactions, I shall christian him herein as the Redhead. His hair was indeed of that fiery hue, and I can solemnly vouch that it was of that hue over the entirety of his body, which was small and delicate, though that did not hinder his participation in any way, and in fact made for some surprising interludes.

We began almost from the moment the porter deposited my bags in my assigned quarters, comprising the expected bedroom and sitting room. Some quirk of scheduled renovations and unexpected flooding from burst pipes had necessarily closed a portion of the university accommodations, and thus I was not provided with the private chambers I had justly expected, but instead, tight shared quarters.


About the Author

Anna Angelus is a pseudonym for an Australian fantasy romance writer who's having a little fun on the side 😉

Stories available on Smashwords only, ranging from erotic romance to slightly darker erotica, mostly fantasy or historical m/m with themes such as voyeurism and innocence undone.