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Bear It All

by Deanna Wadsworth

Bear it All - Deanna Wadsworth
Part of the Destiny Ink Romance series:
  • Bear It All
Editions:Kindle - second: $ 2.99
Pages: 105

Travis hired Destiny Ink hoping for a hot encounter with a sexy older, hairy man, someone to make him feel safe and cherished, and John looks custom made to order.

After losing his partner three years ago, John needs to learn how to open his heart and live again. He thinks a one-night stand in the Caribbean might be the answer, but when he sees the young, thin, and much smaller Travis, he thinks the agency sent the wrong man.

Can desire overcome misunderstanding when these two bear it all? Or will both men walk away from exactly what they need and desire?


Damn, Destiny Ink knows how to deliver!

Unable to believe his luck, Travis Hunter half wondered if the agency had somehow snooped in his private spank-bank to create the man just for him.

John Godfrey—well, that was the name he’d given Destiny Ink. Travis still couldn’t be sure if others had been as dumb as he was and actually given their real names to the service. Regardless, the name suited him. Simple and understated.

Ironically, everything John was not.


His date—he couldn’t bear to think of him as only a hook-up—arrived on the pool deck moments after Travis ordered his second mojito. The man’s unbound, sandy blond hair fell almost halfway down his back, just begging for Travis to run his fingers through it. Even as all the tanned beach studs frolicked with their bikini-clad girlfriends and kids splashed about, John still managed to turn heads. Then again, not every day did someone tower over the crowd with six-foot-five inches of ripped, hair-covered muscles.

Travis swallowed back the drool when John gripped the back collar of his T-shirt with one hand and pulled it off before heading for the shallow end of the pool.

“Hey, get a load of Chewbacca,” a girl nearby whispered. “Ever heard of a back wax?”

Travis shot the two girls a look as they fell into fits of hysterical giggles. He curled his lip in disgust, suppressing the urge to snarl at them. Bimbos. What the hell did they know about real men? Real men knew how to fix things. They drank beer and ate meat and potatoes—not salads and tofu. Big, masculine men could hold a guy up and fuck him against a wall so effortlessly Travis didn’t have to worry about being dropped.

And most of all: Real men had hair.

Lots and lots of delicious body hair.

Well, except for Travis. As smooth and lean as the guys the giggling bimbos probably liked, perhaps his own lack of a pelt triggered his irrepressible fascination with hairy men. Of course, losing his virginity to a big ol’ bear probably hadn’t hurt.

Sultry memories of his summer working on a farm came back to him, stirring feelings of warmth and tenderness. No one had suspected Mr. Thompson was gay, but Travis had noticed the appreciative looks, felt the heat of his gaze. The nights they’d been together, he’d been so gentle, teaching Travis how sex was supposed to be, kind and wonderful. Intimate. But Thompson had been separated from his wife and so deep in the closet the affair ended almost before it began. To this day, no one had ever made Travis feel as safe and cherished. And he’d been looking.

My God, had he been looking.

Who knew his deepest fantasy only waited a few emails away?

While embarrassing to pay for sex, he’d planned this vacation as a way of celebrating the end to a stressful year studying for and completing the Ohio Bar Exam. And if one bought a gift for himself, he might as well guarantee he got exactly what he wanted, right?

When he first ran across Destiny Ink, he’d assumed it serviced hard-up fat guys who lived in their mom’s basements. But upon further investigation, he’d discovered it was the break he’d been looking for. Destiny Ink claimed to be a matchmaking enterprise—Travis had checked into the legalities and read his contract carefully—and they promised the fantasy. After he paid the fee, the agency rep Lady Phoebe had emailed Travis to ask him what he was looking for. It had been like filling out the custom order form for a new car.

But a whole lot more fun.

Tall and hairy were a must. Sweet, handsome. Older than him by at least ten years. A smart man, if he could have one. But he’d be cool with pretty and dumb too. He’d been anxious to find out what kind of guy his one-night stand might be since he’d signed up for this adventure.

From what he could tell so far, his date looked perfect.


About the Author

Deanna Wadsworth might be a bestselling erotica author, but she leads a pretty vanilla life in Ohio with her wonderful husband and a couple adorable cocker spaniels. She has been spinning tales and penning stories since childhood, and her first erotic novella was published in 2010.

When she isn’t writing books or brainstorming with friends, you can find her making people gorgeous in a beauty salon. She loves music and dancing, and can often be seen hanging out on the sandbar in the muddy Maumee River or chilling with her hubby and a cocktail in their basement bar.

In between all that fun, Deanna cherishes the quiet times when she can let her wildly active imagination have the full run of her mind. Her fascination with people and the interworkings of their relationships have always inspired her to write romance with spice and love without boundaries.