a House Millar book

Even in darkness, love lights the way.
Anya awakens alone and afraid in a new world soaked with blood and terror. The only things she knows for certain are her name and that humans are precious.
Unwilling to give in to her hungers, she sets her feet upon a path of discovery, searching for clues to her forgotten past. Along the way she runs headlong into the unimaginable world of the undead and the waiting arms of Nicholas, a fearless nocturnal defender searching for his love, lost in eternity.
Into their midst stumbles Declán, a young, natural born vampire hunter and Guardian whose passion for Anya is only matched by his draw to Nicholas. His arrival could mark the end of their tale, or with the gift of Anya’s blood kiss, it might bring about the beginning of a new chapter for them all.
Fate has a wicked sense of sensibility…
Publisher: Encompass Ink
Cover Artists:
Pairings: M-F, M-M, M-M-F
Heat Level: 2
Romantic Content: 4
Ending: Click here to reveal
Character Identities: Bisexual, Pansexual, Polyamorous
Protagonist 1 Age: Ageless/Immortal
Protagonist 2 Age: 18-25
Protagonist 3 Age: Ageless/Immortal
Tropes: Amnesia, Badass Hero, Coming of Age, Forbidden Love, Love Triangle, Menage, Reunited and it Feels So Good, Second Chances
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters
Anya Millar is a teenager but not an ordinary teenager she is a vampire living with her adoptive mother Star and having absolutely no memory of her past. Anya does not drink from humans but only from animals and since she is living in a human world she has decided to join their world by attending high school. Her friends are human, Skye, Declan and his twin siser Kayla. She has strong feelings for Declan but they are feelings she cannot put into action since he is human and has no idea of what she is.
When she is visited by Nicholas Young everything begins to change. Nicholas and his family are also vampires but they like Anya only drink from animals. Nicholas has known Anya from the past and she has been missing from his life for thirty years. Thirty years ago she went to look for her sire and never returned and like him she also has no idea where she went or what happened to her. She also has strong feelings for Nicholas and she found out that they had a blood bond meaning there is a very strong connection between the two and although she doesn’t remember him she feels that connection.
Anya becomes close to Declan who confesses his feelings for her and she knows that before he continues a relationship with her he has to know what she is. Anya is very strong, her voice alone can kill and although I will not reveal some of what happened to her I will say that she was wanted for her gift with the hope of making her a weapon. She discovers that those who once had her are now still looking for her and this puts those she loves in danger especially Declan and her two human girlfriends.
Declan is unable to touch Anya without going into a trance and only by bonding with him through blood will he be able to. Another reason she has to divulge what she is and hope he can accept her in spite of her being a vampire. The connection between Declan and Anya also is felt by Nicholas because Nicholas also had a blood bond with Anya.
There are alot of surprises and some tense moments but it was a beautiful story about vampires and humans learning to live together. The characters were amazing especially Anya who through everything always remained as human as a vampire can be, well that would not be fair to her because we all know that humans can be just a evil as vampires so I will just say that she never loses her inert goodness.