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Campus Life: First Term

by Kelvin Young

College is supposed to be the best time of your life. . . What happens when it isn’t--

Andrew was living the dream until he moved to college with his girlfriend. “Know what you are getting into because love changes when the situation changes,” his grampa told him.

Everything in life seemed to be going wrong, but one day, after an incident in the quad, something went right—Connor.

Moving in with Conner, Andrew found himself in a foreign situation. There was something about his new roommate. . . was this a boy crush? Did Connor like him back?

Thoughts become actions, and actions become emotions until life throws another curveball.

Reviews:DeeDee on Amazon wrote:

Andrew and Connor
I really am glad I found this author. His characters draw me in and take me on an engaging ride as they find their forever person. Connor is just what Andrew needs when he is betrayed by his girlfriend. He is there, supportive, caring, and has his back, rescuing him like a knight in shining armor, getting him out of a bad situation and offering a place to stay. He gives Andrew the attention he has been missing in an honest and affectionate way, helping build up his confidence because he “sees” him, building a relationship moving toward love. When Andrew encounters a situation he cannot face, Connor tracks him down, refusing to give up on him or what they have. I especially loved the last couple of paragraphs — didn’t see that coming.

Thus is a sweet, tender, loving, hot, spicy, steamy story of two young men having to navigate the pitfalls that seem to crop up in every relationship at one time or another, and proving again that communication is key.

Very realistic, believable and satisfying short read for a relaxing evening in front of the fire on a cold winter night.