Cash Mitchell, the talented rookie pitcher, finds himself overwhelmed with nerves on the eve of his debut game. To his surprise, Cary Brewer, the esteemed catcher, steps forward as a supportive figure, igniting a spark of connection that neither of them can deny. As they spend more time together, Cash realizes that Cary has been his hidden guardian angel all along, a revelation that both astounds and captivates him. Yet, the burning question lingers—what will it cost Cash to pursue his newfound feelings for the catcher who has his heart?
Meanwhile, Cary, renowned for his dedication to the game, never anticipated being entangled in a whirlwind of emotions when he laid eyes on Cash. Determined to keep his focus on baseball and protect both their careers, Cary fights the powerful attraction pulling him toward the young pitcher. But love doesn't always abide by the rules, and Cary finds himself torn between his heart's desires and his sense of responsibility.
As their bond deepens, Cash and Cary must navigate the challenges that come with being in a high-stakes, gay relationship in the world of professional sports. Society's expectations and their own fears threaten to pull them apart. Will their love prove stronger than any curveball life throws their way
Pairings: M-M
Heat Level: 3
Romantic Content: 5
Ending: Click here to reveal
Character Identities: Gay
Tropes: Age Difference, Coming Out / Closeted, Famous / Not Famous, Forced Proximity, Office / Workplace Romance, Passing as Straight
Languages Available: English