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Death Train

by C.J. Baty

Stiles Long and Michael O’Leary were asked to join two agents from the Secret Service to break up a counterfeiting ring. They didn’t usually work with other agents, but since several Secret Service agents had been killed, the president wanted the Pinkertons in on the job.

Reginald McCullough did not want to be anywhere near his uncle, but this was a chance for him to move up in the ranks. His new partner, Rochelle Warner, was a stranger, but he’d do whatever it took to do a good job. When he entered his uncle’s office in St. Louis, he was shocked to see his old lover, Michael O’Leary there as well.

The assignment would take them on a new Pullman train across several states and cities. Death seemed to be at every turn. Stiles, Michael, Reginald, and Rochelle; all had attempts made on their lives. Every clue seemed to lead to a dead end.

Could Reginald pull Michael away from Stiles?  Could they discover who the head of the counterfeit ring was before the end of the line in Santa Barbara, or would they end up just another dead agent riding the Death Train?


The year had started out dramatically for Stiles and his lover. Michael mistaking Stiles for being dead, he was nearly killed by an insane cousin. Worst of all, they barely missed being on the ocean liner, Titanic, when it sank in April.

The country had been in a heated political battle for the presidency, which Woodrow Wilson won. The climate in Europe was set to erupt into a war like no one had ever seen before. Skirmishes were breaking out in several locations filling the newspapers with dread. Going home to St. Louis was the best thing that had happened. Though Michael wasn’t pleased that they were accepting a new assignment, Stiles knew they were needed.


Their good friend, Martin Collins contacted them before they had left New York and explained the Secret Service needed a couple of experienced agents to coordinate an assignment. He knew they were the perfect duo for the job. He sent all the information to James McCullough, the head agent in St. Louis, and he would brief them about it. Michael had been silent a good portion of the train ride home. Even more so, their first night home. He was still lying about in their bed the next morning knowing full well their appointment with McCullough was at noon.

Stiles fixed a cup of coffee the way he knew Michael liked it and took it to him.

“It’s time to wake up sleepy head,” Stiles said.

“I’m not asleep.”

“Well, I brought your coffee anyway.” Stiles set the coffee on the table next to Michael’s side of the bed.

“Then… maybe I can put a smile on your face another way,” he said. Lifting the covers on his side of the bed, he dropped his robe to the floor, and crawled under. He was naked.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m trying to put a smile on your face.”

Clearly not thinking the night before, Michael had dressed in a nightshirt instead of pajama bottoms. Stiles had access to all of Michael’s sensitive parts. Stiles heard the gasp and felt Michael jump as soon as he touched him. He gently lifted Michael’s hardening member and wrapped his fingers around it, squeezing.


“Yes,” Stiles whispered as he kissed Michael’s wrist and palm.

“I don’t…”

“You don’t what?”

Michael tried to wiggle out of Stile’s firm grip, only causing himself more pleasure.

“You know it only makes you grow harder when you try to fight me,” Stiles whispered as he began a slow rhythm with his hand up and down Michael’s shaft.

“You know I hate it when you use sex against me,” Michael uttered.

“I’m not using it against you. I’m using it to please you.”

Stiles continued his ministrations, knowing how much Michael was enjoying their play. He kept up the steady rhythm until Michael began to arch into his fist. His own member was leaking and needed attention. Though this wasn’t about him, this was fully for his lover.

“I’m… not…going to change…my mind.”

With his staggered words, Michael was close, and Stiles knew what to do. He lifted the blankets and dipped his head under to lick softly at the head which was dripping Michael’s essence.



About the Author

CJ Baty lives with her very patient husband and two encouraging adult children. The recent move to include a second home in Tennessee has fulfilled one of her life long dreams. The mountains have always provided her with inspiration and a soothing balm to the stresses of everyday life.

The dream of writing her own stories started in high school but was left on the back burner of life until her son introduced her to Fan Fiction and encouraged her to give it a try. She found that her passion for telling a story was still there and writing them down to share with others was much more thrilling than she had ever expected. Publishing her own stories has been a highlight in her life. It just goes to prove, you are never too old to follow your dreams!