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Defying Gravity

by Kiska Gray

Defying Gravity - Kiska Gray
Part of the Love By Chance series:
Editions:Kindle: $ 3.99
Pages: 255
The last thing i expected was to wake up in a rockstar's bed—and not just any rockstar. Lazarus Knight, my idol and the man who awakened my sexuality, saved my butt last night...
And now the only thing i can think about is his.
The last thing i expected was to play the part of a white knight—at a gig no doubt. But i couldn't just stand there and let the guy get hurt. They roofied him. Shit like that, it messes you up.
I told myself he was way too young, but Bex is like a drug. One taste and I'm hooked, looking for my next fix.
But sometimes, love comes at a price...
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About the Author

Kiska Gray is a 30-something crazy cat lady living in small-town Indiana, in a town not much bigger than how she envisions Sundog Park. She’s a lover of music (hung up on Ed Sheeran at this moment) and coffee (extra sweet!). She shares an apartment with two spoiled cats, one fat and one skinny, and spends her free time writing, reading, aimlessly browsing Facebook, playing Overwatch, and staring off into space.

She started writing in the fifth grade and has been writing YA fantasy since 2011, but MM romance has been her obsession for more than a few years and when her love for the genre recently resurfaced, she jumped headlong into a contemporary series of standalones that revolve around sheltered hearts and rescue dogs–and cats! Can’t forget the cats!