(Cloverleah Pack Series 6)

Can be read as a standalone
- 2 To Be Read lists
- 16 Read lists
Pairings: M-M, M-M-M
Tropes: Menage
Prologue – three months before
Jax closed the bedroom door leaving Dean and Matthew to their privacy for a few moments. There was a part of him that almost resented the two men and the closeness they shared – Damn pack members were meeting their mates all over the place. Not for the first time in as many weeks, Jax regretted his decision to join the Cloverleah pack. He might be a wolf shifter, but he wasn’t a pack sort of guy – he had been alone for so long he had almost forgotten what being a part of a pack could be like, even one as small as Cloverleah.
The only reason he was in Cloverleah was because Diablo had offered him a job with his new business. Diablo the sinfully beautiful ex-FBI agent and resident cat shifter, and, coincidentally was the only person in existence who knew most of Jax’s secrets. Jax was happy working at the security company Diablo now owned with his husband, wolf shifter Griff.
But then Troy had got in trouble with his mate, Anton, and the pack needed someone with up to date military knowledge, and because Jax had been drooling over Troy from afar for ages, he jumped into the pack with both feet to help out.
Yeah, and look where that ended up. Sure Troy and his mate Anton had more than a few problems at the start, but they were all rosy sweet on each other now. It plain curdled Jax’s stomach to see the two men together. Troy deserved so much better than Anton. The guy was just so damned nice, and Anton…well, he had spent too many years in the military to be anything more than a killing machine. Like Jax, Anton had been a black ops soldier for most of his adult life and Jax knew personally that nothing positive came out of those types of experiences. The PTSD that Jax had faked to get out of the army was very real for Anton, and…yes, well nothing good came from that line of thinking, Jax reminded himself. Next it was Dean and Matthew’s turn to mate, and now…Yep, the whole fated mating business plain sucked in Jax’s opinion.
Snorting to himself, Jax wandered down the hallway of the huge pack house, clutching a piece of paper in his hand. Since that one long moment in the bedroom before, Jax had resisted looking at it again, not sure if he could hide the emotions that flooded his body when he caught sight of the two men in the picture Dean had drawn. One tall with long dark hair, the other one the same height with long blond tresses that Jax could imagine would flow down the man’s slender back. Aelfric and Fafnir. Two faces so alike and so devastatingly beautiful, it would make a mortal man’s eyes hurt. And alongside the beautiful images, the stark depiction of a mating mark that burned inside Jax’s brain.
Dean’s words teased Jax’s memory. “They’ve been looking for three hundred years. Until they met me, no wolf shifter would even go near them. I just thought, if I sent to the picture to the packs we know, that maybe someone would recognize the mark and come forward…” And without thinking of the consequences Jax had offered to send the picture out to all of the packs in the US, just to keep the little omega happy.
“You’re getting soft old man,” Jax muttered to himself as he headed off to find a computer. He had a bit of time before the next pack meeting and he could start getting the picture out to all of the other packs, just like he promised. He was a man of his word after all. And he was damned good at keeping his emotions to himself, regardless of what they were.
Adult Excerpt
Loving Jax’s focus, Fafnir waved his hands removing Jax’s clothing. The big man barely blinked, just carried on physically removing Aelfric’s shirt and pants, laying kisses and bites over every inch of skin revealed. Fafnir decided to do some loving of his own. Sitting to the side he stroked one hand over Aelfric, finding all those little spots that used to drive his mate wild. The other hand was firmly around Jax’s cock that honestly, didn’t need any stimulation – the man was as hard as a rock, his pre-come coating the head.
“Faf, precious, can you prepare yourself for Aelfric’s cock?” Jax’s deep voice cut through the moans, groans and gasps.
Fafnir looked up and winked at Jax as he waved his hand, his ass suddenly feeling loose and warm. Fuck, that was an amazing feeling and while Fafnir couldn’t deny the regular way was just as much fun, the immediate sensation of warm lube over intimate muscles was definitely awesome.
Picking Aelfric up, Jax indicated for Fafnir to lie on the bed. For a moment Fafnir debated – front or back? Deciding the sight of both of his lovers was too perfect to miss, Fafnir settled himself on his back, looking upwards at Jax and Aelfric. Jax had one arm around Aelfric’s chest and his other hand cupped around Aelfric’s cock.
His head close to Aelfric’s ear, Jax said, “You want him, don’t you blondie. You want this cock of yours deep inside your Fae mate. You’ve wanted that for the longest time, and here he is all stretched out and waiting for you. Tell me you want him.”
“Fates yes,” Aelfric moaned, trying to reach down to touch Fafnir’s body, but Jax held him just out of range.
“And me?” Jax asked, thrusting his hips against Aelfric’s pale behind. “Do you want me inside of you?”
“Please Jax, please fill me up, take me, claim me all over again.”
COLLAPSEDaniel Bowen on amazon.com wrote:Interesting development in this series. Ms. Oliver manages to make each book different. This time the backdrop is fear of changes and jealousy with a touch of arrogance. Some feel so superior to others that they'll do anything to keep the world the way it is. I will not elaborate this since I do not want to spoil the pleasure of reading this story.
The main point in this story is, of course, the mating of Jax. Those who have read the previous book surely understood that Jax was the third the two Fae princes were looking for. But Jax did not want to reveal himself. At least not to begin with. But when not fewer than four men showed up to claim the princes, Jax' wolf will not allow him to deny it any longer, becoming very protective of what he considered his.
Jax has secrets he had hidden for very long time, content with the way he was living his life. But once the his mates come into his life, he discovers that needed something he did not know he was missing. He discovers also that things perhaps have not happened the way he remembers, or at least not for the reason he had thought. And his abilities will come in handy in the struggle his pack is forced to go through (hence the jealousy I have mentioned). As a funny side effect he can provide the threesome a home according to their wishes with just a flick of his fingers.
The coming together is not seamless. One of the Fae princes is a bit of a drama queen and has to do some serious thinking before the men can have their HEA.
MsNing on amazon.com wrote:It's been awhile since I picked up a Cloverleah Pack book. So it could've been easy to get lost in this sixth book but thankfully I wasn't.
There is a lot to admire about Jax. He is a strong wolf shifter, a member of the Cloverleah Pack, military trained, and a computer expert. He's also half Fae, a magic user, even if he ignores that part of his heritage. All that changes when news of his mates actively seeing 'their third' comes around. He's always known he'll have two mates, two Fae men, but due to his upbringing and past, he didn't think the triad would work. And he was right. It wasn't an easy mating with Aelfric and Fafnir. Being gay wasn't an issue. It was dealing with race prejudice and misunderstandings.
Of course while the mating is going on, outside pressures are on the pack. "It is unnatural so many alphas are in one pack, too many powerful wolves. There's no way an omega and now the Fae can be there." This idea of a 'too strong' pack and 'sharing the powerful' amongst the other packs is a page out of what's happening in real life. Like sharing the wealth and evening out the playing field. Or more entitled. Interesting concepts and very applicable. Yes hidden meanings in this story if you look for them. "Fae For All". Interesting title. - Dan's Wife
So I gave this novel a 3 star due to the ménage or triad as the author wants to put it, I am not one for ménages and don't find them fairly necessary in any novel unless the author is just looking to write a sexfest or f-est. However, I have to give Ms Oliver her due in this book the ménage wasn't all about a sexfest which is why the 3 stars, she wrote this novel so that Jax the main character was someone you can picture as a strong character who needed two lovers to complete him. However, i can also see no need for the ménage too because I feel like fafnir himself was a strong enough lover that I felt Aelfric was a useless part of the trio I had mix feelings into purchasing this book because based on the synopsis I already knew there was a ménage involved, however for the price I felt like I can give it a chance since I liked the other novels related to this particular series so what I'm saying for those who also feel the whole ménage thing is unnecessary in any novel, at least give this one half the chance because Jax is such a hunk of a main character who deserves his own novel and the ménage doesn't take away from the whole story itself like those short stories.