(Cloverleah Pack Series 5)

Can be read as a standalone.
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From the gaunt look on Dean’s face as the man came to stand in front of him, it would seem the man had not been eating and Matthew’s need to look after his mate sprung up out of nowhere. Thinner than he had been three nights ago, Dean still looked amazing to Matthew. His trim body, hidden by a baggy t-shirt and even baggier jeans, still shone through as the man moved. Matthew forced himself not to adjust his cock in his own tight jeans, biting his inner lip as his dick connected with his zipper.
READ MORE“Hi,” said Dean in a rush, “I’m not sure if you remember me – Dean? From the dinner the other night. Yes, well, I have to go to town to get some supplies and, well Kane said I was supposed to have someone with me if I went anywhere. But I can see you’re comfortable and all that, on the couch and probably relaxing and I don’t want to bother you. So can you just let Kane know I am at the art store and I’ll be back in an hour? I’m sure I will be fine. Thank you.”
As soon as he finished talking, Dean turned to go and Matthew quickly got to his feet. He had only been sitting on the couch because it was close to the front door and the main stairs. He had worked out it was the best place to be close to his mate, barring sitting outside of the man’s bedroom door. Because that would be just freaky. But Matthew was bored out of his skull and desperate to spend time with Dean. So if Dean thought he was sauntering out of the door without him, well his little mate was going to be in for a big surprise. Dean wasn’t going anywhere without him.
“Dean,” he said, his deep voice probably giving away more emotion than he was comfortable in sharing. He was aroused, but he was also pissed off that his little mate thought he could just wander into town against the Alpha’s orders and with no thought to his safety, and the Omega had clearly not been eating. Dean stopped in his tracks but didn’t turn around so Matthew stepped over to him, standing between him and the door, forcing a calmness he didn’t feel.
“Kane said you aren’t to go anywhere on your own,” he said quietly. “If you will give me a minute, I will get my wallet and come with you.”
Not bothering to see if Dean agreed or not, Matthew sprinted up the stairs to his room. As he grabbed his wallet off the bag at the foot of the bed, he caught sight of his face in the mirror. The wicked grin might not be appropriate, he reminded himself as he headed back out of the door.
Adult Excerpt
That wasn’t self-inflicted by a knife. That scar was caused by someone’s claws. That had been the arm that Dean was rubbing when he was thinking about his past, and Matthew guessed Dean’s previous Alpha was responsible. Determined to ignore it for now, because in Matthew’s eyes it didn’t make Dean any less beautiful, Matthew decided that Dean needed to know that.
“Your skin is like polished marble,” he said in a deliberately deep husky voice. Dean had moved closer to him and was running his hands up the insides of Matthew’s thighs. Feeling his cock jump in anticipation Matthew closed his eyes and continued talking softly, just focusing on Dean’s touch. “I look at your lovely definition and want to run my tongue over every dip and groove. I’m looking forward to the time when you will trust me with your nakedness, so I can worship every inch of your skin and show you with my hands, and my tongue, and my body just how beautiful you look to me.”
Dean’s hands skimmed the side of his cock and Matthew had to stop for a moment, and force back his instant need to climax. After the long slow build up and what felt like hours of delicate touches, Matthew knew he was a powder keg ready to go off. As he felt one strong hand grip around the base of his shaft, while a teasing finger rubbed lightly over the head of his cock, Matthew urgently fisted the sheets, determined not to stop his mate’s deliberate exploration.
But nothing could stop the guttural moan wrenched from his throat, when Matthew felt the unmistakable glide of Dean’s tongue across his slit.
“Fuck, Dean, please.” He didn’t know what he was asking for, but Matthew wasn’t ashamed to beg. Not when his little mate was lapping at his slit as though he was trying to get every drop of Matthew’s sticky wetness. His grip on the coverlet was so tight he was sure he would rip it, but he didn’t dare move a muscle in case his mate stopped. Dean’s tongue was now working its way around his glans and then stopped as Dean nibbled his frenulum.
Opening his eyes caused another flood of sensations. The sight of his mate, his one and only, bent over his hips, gently tonguing his cock was too much for Matthew’s control. “Little one, I’m going to…” was all he managed before he felt Dean’s warm mouth close over the head of his cock and that was it. Moaning Dean’s name as pleasure rocked though his body Matthew came in the most intense orgasm of his very long life, his mate catching every drop.
COLLAPSEAmazon Customer on amazon.com wrote:This book was such a good addition to this series!
Dean is the omega of Kane's pack and is very quiet but strong when it comes to helping protect the pack.
Matthew is a very strong alpha and as soon as he scents Dean he knows he is his mate and he must protect him and care for him.
These two together was really just so sweet! Matthew cares so much about Dean and is so protective of him. The same goes for Dean who feels the same for Matthew.
They have their up and downs while trying to grow as a couple between the men trying to hurt and take Dean and everything else that was going on that kept trying to separate them.
This book had a lot of action which kept me on the edge of my seat but also a lot of steam between these two men. I have to say I loved the characters in this book and was so excited to see Dean finally get his HEA. He has been one of my favorite characters in this series so far and I really happy to get to know more about him in this book and at the same time so sad because everything he went through with his old pack with the abuse they inflicted on him which was horrible.
I want to say I love, love this shifter world this author has created along with the characters and how with every book so far in this series you get to see all the previous characters in this series too!
Heather Leonard on amazon.com wrote:I love this series!!! The characters and story are engaging and entertaining. I was really looking for Dean's story. You knew through the other books that Dean had some story to tell and boy did it. This story has an actual lesson to it which I loved. Don't underestimate someone you think is weaker than you. Dean came into his own and he is just so sweet and funny!!! I can't wait until the next book each book becomes more involved and engaging. I highly recommend this book as well as the others. I will be waiting impatiently for February 2015 (the next book)!!!
This is definitely the best book so far in the series. It just keeps getting better. It was so awesome to see Dean come out of his shell and become so strong in his own way. When he went off on Kane it was epic!!! Matthew is the perfect compliment to Dean, and together I think they are my favorite pair so far. I seriously can't wait for the next book though, that has the potential to be even MORE AWESOME!