
Senator Franklin’s life seems perfect. He has a devoted wife, a smart son, and in a relatively short period of time, he’s moved up in politics to become Secretary of the Treasury. And then a man from his wife’s past arrives in DC and begins dating his son. What’s a man to do but call on a friend who’s one of the deadliest agents of all the alphabet agencies to look into it?
Ryder Franklin’s life seems perfect. He has loving parents, a job at the State Department he enjoys, and a good friend who’s more than just a friend. Then a man from his mom’s past comes to DC and contacts him. Donald Edmonton assures Ryder he’s simply curious as to how his onetime sweetheart has fared, but Ryder isn’t sure he believes the man. Can he -- should he -- keep the man’s appearance from his family?
Donald Edmonton’s life… isn’t perfect. His career has gone down the tubes and his finances are in disarray. The solution he comes up with lies in DC. He’s kept track of his former girlfriend and her family, and learned something interesting about her husband. He’ll go to her son first, see if he can get the rumor verified, and possibly make some money. After all, how difficult can that be?
Publisher: JMS Books, LLC
Pairings: M-M
Heat Level: 1
Romantic Content: 5
Ending: Click here to reveal
Character Identities: Gay
Protagonist 1 Age: 18-25
Protagonist 2 Age: 18-25
Tropes: Friends to Lovers
Word Count: 18,646
Setting: Washington, DC
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters
Ryder didn’t sleep well—he kept dreaming he was being chased by Donald Edmonton, who kept shouting questions Ryder couldn’t quite understand. He woke up feeling logy. “Coffee, m’lad. You need coffee.”
He went down to the kitchen and came to an abrupt halt. Dad was already sitting in the breakfast room, reading the Washington Post and sipping his own coffee.
“Morning, Dad.” Ryder took a mug from the cabinet and poured himself a cup, then added flavored creamer.
“Good morning. Are you all right?”
“Sure. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You’re not usually up this early.”
Ryder glanced at the clock. Shit, it was a little before six. He never got up before seven. “Uh…” He might as well tell the truth, what he could of it. “I couldn’t sleep.”
“Worried about working with Jason Sinclair? You needn’t be, he’s a decent man, and you’re good at what you do.”
“Thanks.” Ryder had received his master
s degree in Business Administration the previous year, and Dad had pulled a string or two to get him the job at State, but he was good at his job, which was how he kept it. “And no, I’m not worried about the Undersecretary. He’s a good man to work for.”
“I see. Well, if you need to talk about anything, you know your mother and I are always there for you.”
“I know, Dad.”
“All right, then. Do you need a ride to D.C.? Hardwick will be driving me in shortly.”
“I appreciate it, but Mr. Sinclair doesn’t need me until nine, so I’ll drive myself in.” And at least work would keep him distracted from that damned dinner with Edmonton. “Thanks, though.”
“Just remember Mom and I will be at another charity event this evening.”
“I remember. It’s for foster kids, supplying them suitcases and duffel bags.”
“That’s my boy.” Dad smiled proudly at him. “Mrs. Taylor will make dinner for you.”
“Oh, that won’t be necessary. I’m going out for dinner.”
“With David?”
Ryder kept his jaw from dropping, but only just. “No. Uh… Holly’s got plans.”
“I see.” Dad continued to smile at him, but Ryder could see the concern in his eyes. For his dinner date or Holly’s?
Shit, shit, shit.
It was a long day. Fortunately, by the time he got home his parents had already dressed and left and so weren’t there to notice how antsy Ryder was, although Mrs. Taylor, who’d been the family’s cook since Mom and Dad had come home from their honeymoon, did eye him with concern. “What’s wrong?”
“Uh… I’m going out for dinner—”
“With David?”
“What? No. Why would you think—” Jesus, what was it with everyone thinking he and Holly were going out on a date? “Uh… I have to get dressed.”
He rushed to his room, where he spent the next half hour wishing he was having dinner with his boyfriend and dithering over what to wear. Nothing too dressy, in case Edmonton took it to mean Ryder wanted to impress him. Nothing too casual, in case random paparazzi snapped photos of him and mocked the Secretary of the Treasury’s son for being a slob. He finally settled on a pair of dark brown trousers and a maroon button-down shirt.
The weather was still a little cool, so he scooped up his jacket, then stopped in the kitchen to wish Mrs. Taylor goodnight. “See you later. Tell the parents not to worry, I may be a little late.”
He hurried out before she could say a word.
Agreeing to meet Donald Edmonton at the Rib Shack wasn’t the smartest idea Holly had ever come up with, but they’d both been certain the restaurant would be more crowded than it was for a Wednesday evening. Still, they were here now, and he’d have to play this out the best way he could.
The host led them to an out-of-the-way booth—and whose idea was that? Edmonton slid onto the bench seat and patted the space beside him. As if. Ryder angled himself into the seat across from the older man. Ryder had no desire to sit next to this man.
The host set their menus and silverware on the table. “Enjoy your meal, gentlemen.” He scurried back to the host stand.
“Peon.” Edmonton sneered after him, then turned to Ryder. “So tell me, Ryder—you know, your mother always had a fondness for that name. If we had a child, she planned to name him Ryder.” Abruptly, he flushed. “Which is what she did.”
“Right.” Ryder frowned. “I can’t believe you dated my mother.”
“Oh, it was more than dating.” Edmonton’s smile was arch.
This is actually part of the Spy vs. Spook/Mann of My Dreams universe. We first met Secretary Franklin when he appeared in Houseboat on the Nile. I really had no plans to revisit Senator Franklin and his family, but when I started working on Moonlight Becomes You, I needed a reason for Winchester (yes, that Winchester 😉 ) to visit the Rib Shack and meet April, Quinton Mann's usual server.