
Two men…a falcon…a dream…and a pitiless hunter. If the quest was easy, they wouldn't write books about it.
On a search into Nevada’s harsh wild high desert, Shawn and Dylan discover something besides a poacher and a lost bird—something without a name they’ve both been looking for all their lives.
Looking for Godfrey is the really the story of Nevada’s high desert, where life and death clash and crash. It’s also a fast and furious love story, in more ways than one.
O’Quinn’s “Noble Dimensions” universe stories have been described as “love, lust, sex, mystery, sex, conflict, and more scorching hot sex!” (Joe Cool Reviews). This is the third of three novels about a fictional small Nevada town called Noble.
~gay ~erotic romance ~action ~suspense
- 1 Read list
Publisher: New Dawn Press
Cover Artists:
Pairings: M-M
Heat Level: 4
Romantic Content: 4
Ending: Click here to reveal
Character Identities: Gay
Protagonist 1 Age: 26-35
Protagonist 2 Age: 18-25
Tropes: Biological Urge to Mate, Criminals & Outlaws, Healing Power of Sex, Hurt / Comfort, Pets Are 'Portant
Word Count: 34028
Setting: Nevada high desert/mountains
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Same Universe / Various Characters
From Chapter 9, "The Hunt"
The escarpment was easy to scale, pitted by centuries of harsh weather, clotted with sage and brittle-bush whose tenacious roots dug into its skin. At the top, he stood alongside his bird man, who seemed to be bathed in the rose-glow of the rising sun.
From this vantage point, one of his favorite spots, they could look down into the valley they’d just traveled…a canvas of muted greens and yellows, grays and browns emerging from the shadow of night. Glancing at the man next to him, he realized Dylan, too, was not watching the sky. He seemed fixed on the flatland below.
“What do you see, my friend?”
READ MORE“Prairie falcons are pretty interesting, Shawn. If you ever look for them, try the low bluffs and stands of sagebrush. Like the valley floor below. And don’t expect a lazy sweep of wings, the way a hawk does. Hell, if they’re on a real hunt, they can slam into the wind and into their prey at almost fifty miles an hour.”
“When’s the best time to find them?”
“Now is great. Any time during the day, really, but early is best. At night they sleep, building strength for the day ahead.”
This was the first time Dylan seemed to open up about his loss since the first day they’d met. Shawn pursued it, gently.
“How old is Godfrey anyway?”
His mate turned to him with a little smile. “I got him just out of the scrape…the nest…two years ago. I think the rest of the brood was taken by a hawk. I was lucky to find him then. Now…not so much.”
“You hinted once that he might be looking for a mate.”
He grinned. “The same way I was? You could be spot-on. Two years is about the time they get the urge. He could have felt my own need, somehow.”
“So…maybe your loss is his gain, love.”
Dylan’s head sank to his chest. “Yeah. It’s ironic. I think I know how parents feel when their kid goes off to college. If you love them, set them free.”
“Or maybe he set you free.”
“That’s way too fucking heavy for me. Let’s get on the move, man. We have a bad guy to find.”
Pulling Dylan close, he searched his eyes, gray-blue stands of sky and sagebrush, a world of hurt and promise. “Your quest is mine too. I meant that.”
“I know. But I remember from when my mom used to read bedtime stories to me. A quest by definition is a lifelong search. If the hunt was easy, they wouldn’t write books about it. Anyway, Shawn, let’s fill our canteens from the river, and find the cabin. I’m ready for some action.”
COLLAPSEThe fictitious hick town of Noble, Nevada is featured in two other short novels—Noble, Nevada and The Chase. I’ve put those titles in their own series called “Noble Dimensions,” and I hope you’ll check them out. Chronologically, Finding Godfrey is the latest, but all three can be read as stand-alones. There are a few characters in common, but those threads are not critical to the tapestry.
The town itself is a flimsy disguise for my own home town, but the characters exist only in my imagination. The mountains? They’re another story altogether…or many stories, in many places…but always the mountains where I was born.