QSF Flash Fiction Book 5

1) Seasonal movement of animals from one region to another.
2) Movement of people to a new area or country in order to find work or better living conditions.
3) Movement from one part of something to another.
Three definitions to inspire writers around the world and an unlimited number of possible stories to tell. Here are 120 of our favorites.
Migration feaures 300-word speculative flash fiction stories from across the rainbow spectrum, from the minds of the writers of Queer Sci Fi.
- 5 To Be Read lists
Publisher: Other Worlds Ink
Cover Artists:
Pairings: F-F, F-F-M, M-M, Includes NB, M-M-M, 4+ or Other
Heat Level: 2
Romantic Content: 2
Ending: Click here to reveal
Character Identities: Ace, Bisexual, Gay, Genderfluid, Intersex, Lesbian, Non Binary, Polyamorous, Transgender
Word Count: 36000
Setting: Varies
Languages Available: English
They Said It Would Be Her
Elizabeth Andre (294 words)
Willow said she was my wife, but I knew it wasn’t her, not the right her, anyway. Sure, she looked like her with olive skin and bright pink hair. She even smelled of mango flowers, just like I remembered, but there was something about her smile that was slightly off, something about when she said she loved me that didn’t sit well in my old heart.
My heart was older than hers, but it wasn’t supposed to be.
READ MOREI lay awake at night in our sleep pod in the MaKlain, a long-haul spaceship heading to a planet we hoped we could turn into a lesbian Eden. We had traveled for so long yet had so much farther to go. Getting there in one person’s lifespan was impossible. We started this journey eight generations ago. Or rather I started eight generations ago. Willow started nine generations ago. Couples died together and were reborn together every fifty years. That’s how it was supposed to be. This was the key to our survival. We lived together. We worked together. We died together until we found our new home.
I stared out at the stars. It wasn’t easy to look at them. I remembered Willow dying among the stars too soon. She’d been reborn, and we became the only couple heading to the new world out of sync.
She lay next to me snoring. Her snoring sounded different. The lights in the pod slowly turned on, mimicking a sunrise we’d never really experienced. She opened one eye, then the other.
“Do you still love me?” she asked
My old heart skipped a beat, then it stopped. It was my time, my turn to have younger skin and a younger heart.
“Yes,” I said through cracked lips. “Always.”
Killer Queen
Paula McGrath (258 words)
I love to be watched. On stage, or in bed, it doesn’t matter. Exhibitionist: that’s me. Performing drag-shows on cruise-ships was my dream job. But that’s all gone now. Now I’m the one who watches.
I perch atop the crow’s nest and peer through my scope at the empty dock. I watch for our crew who are out scrounging for food and fuel to keep this behemoth afloat. I watch for Ravagers, pitiful human remnants who attack and eat anything moving. One bullet does for them. I watch for Agri-bots, those world-ending fucks. They’re harder to kill, but much more satisfying. I rub the rocket launcher at my side like it’s a rabbit’s foot.
I tense at a hoarse yell from below and spin my rifle around, trigger finger ready. It’s only Sean and his crew cavorting in the pool. Relaxing, I ogle their bare, glistening chests instead. The world might be ending but I’m not dead yet.
After a year of cruising from port to port we still haven’t found a home. Pristine beach after pristine beach, all deadly after more than twenty-four hours’ exposure. I wish those fucking scientists were in my crosshairs. They designed those Agri-bots to heal the world and instead they poisoned it. Oh, to feel sand under my feet again instead of this sun-bleached deck.
This is my life now. I watch, I kill. I focus on the dock again, the sea breeze caressing my sequined skirt as I keep my eye to the scope and wait for my crew to return.