
Lizzie Ferguson isn’t your typical 1912 woman!
She does not intend to ever marry, her lovers could be male or female, she was a Pinkerton Agent, carries a Derringer in her handbag, her best friend is Stiles Long (The Pinkerton Man Series), and she will do anything to solve a case. Including dressing in rags and scrubbing toilets in a male brothel.
You can read some of her adventures with Stiles and Michael in the Pinkerton Man Series.
Now, she’s beginning her own adventures and she’s not afraid to do anything it takes to catch a killer.
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Cover Artists:
Pairings: F-F, M-F
Heat Level: 2
Romantic Content: 3
Ending: Click here to reveal
Character Identities: Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian
Protagonist 1 Age: 36-45
Protagonist 2 Age: 36-45
Protagonist 3 Age: 26-35
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Opposites Attract
Word Count: 40000
Setting: New York City Detective Office
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters
“I knew it!”
“I knew there was a reason for you two to come home earlier than planned,” she said, still waving the newspaper.
“What on earth are you going on about?” Stiles said as he filled his coffee cup.
Lizzie threw the newspaper down on the table between Michael and Stiles. The headlines in the New York Times read… NEW LINER TITANIC HITS AN ICEBERG; SINKING BY THE BOW AT MIDNIGHT; WOMEN PUT OFF IN LIFEBOATS; LAST WIRELESS AT 12:27 A.M. BLURRED.
Michael’s face paled from shock.
“My god!” Stiles exclaimed.
Lizzie tumbled into a seat beside Stiles. Tears formed in her eyes, and she tried to hide behind her handkerchief. The thought that she could have lost the two most important people in her life was stifling. A shiver raced up her spine.
READ MORE“The feeling I had was overpowering. It wouldn’t let me go. That’s why I sent a telegraph asking you to come home early. I feared I’d lose you both,” she said.
Michael came to sit on her other side and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in close. He hugged her and tried his best to console her.
“It’s awful. All those lives lost to such a horrible death. I can’t imagine the pain their families are going through,” Michael said.
“Thank you,” Stiles added. “Without you, we might have been in that number at the bottom of the sea.”
She dried her tears and looked at the two men who meant so much to her.
“Whatever will I do without you two when you return to St. Louis?” she asked. “I’m going to miss you so much.”
“We’re only a telephone call away,” Michael assured her.
“If you need us for anything, we’ll board the next train to New York. You know that,” Stiles said. “Even if it’s another case of a monkey gone missing, or jewels stolen.”
“You silly twit. The police shot that poor monkey in Central Park. It wasn’t his fault, the maid tired of being bitten had turned him loose. His owner wasn’t very happy about it. And that poor woman had to find out her husband had a mistress. Her jewels weren’t stolen. The cad had given them to the other woman.”
It was true most of the cases she had gotten had trivial things that a male detective wouldn’t touch. She didn’t mind helping the ones who came into her office. Still, a truly interesting case had not walked in through the door, as yet.
“Maybe your cases will become more intense,” Michael offered.
“Either way, call on us any time,” Stiles added.
“I’ll hold you to that. Both of you,” she answered.