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Pledge Number Seven

by C.M. Walker

T.K. Rogers knows his Alpha Phi Kappa brothers would never accept a gay brother, so he’s kept that secret for two years from even his closest friends. Who can blame them? If he had the choice, he’d be straight too.  But once pledge number seven gets under his skin and into his bed, T.K. can no longer separate his frat life and his sex life.

Carlos Castillo has everything figured out. A fraternity will give him instant friends, and he’ll gain real world experience in event planning and management. He just has to get through the hell of pledging. No problem. Staying in the closet was never part of the plan, but then again, neither was T.K. Rogers.

Hiding a relationship from the twenty guys you live with isn’t easy, but T.K. loves APK and risking his place in the brotherhood for a pledge he’s just met is not an option. How far will T.K. go to keep his secret?

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Reviews:BookBee on Goodreads wrote:

4.5 Stars rounded up. Another great story from the “Love Has No Boundaries” collection. First let me say that Present tense is not my favourite. But please don’t let that stop you from reading this really excellent story. Honestly? I was so entranced with the story and the wonderful characters that I didn’t even notice until I read someone’s comment and promptly scanned back to the story to check! LOL!According to Ms. Walker’s author page, this is her first published story. Well done! I’ll be watching for more of her work.

Sandra on Goodreads wrote:

Realistic and awfully cute story about a fratboy falling for his assigned pledge, figuring out how to reconcile his growing feelings with what he’s been taught all his life and then finding the courage to come out.I liked T.K. quite a bit. He felt real, his confusion felt organic, and he grew quite a bit in a very short time. Carlos (Seven) was also portrayed realistically. The remaining frat brother, with their differing opinions and quiet support, even the guy who’s a complete homophobic asshole, all felt as if they were living on a campus near you.Well done. Free from the M/M romance group. Excuse me while I check out more by this author.

About the Author

C.M. Walker lives in Maryland with her husband and two children. She read her first M/M romance story out of curiosity, decided that books were better with two men instead of one, and hasn’t looked back since. When C.M.’s not reading or writing, she’s either next to a bright light cross-stitching with fancy thread, at the computer digi-scrapping, or at the sewing machine making cute clothes for her daughter.