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Plummet to Soar

by Z.A. Maxfield

Plummet to Soar - Z.A. Maxfield
Part of the Plummet to Soar series:
Editions:Kindle: $ 6.45
ISBN: 9781640803831
Pages: 202

“Sometimes you have to plummet to soar.” So says self-styled life guru Mackenzie Detweiler. But when he hosts a conference to share his message, he finds himself terrorized by an unknown adversary.

Is it Delmar, who took advice from his shitty self-help book, only to find out doing the thing that scares him most can get him killed? Is it empty-nester Rachel, who simmers with rage over her cheating ex? Is it his kleptomaniac acquisitions editor, JD, who loves him but has to tell him they're pulling his book off the shelves?

The chemistry that burned so brightly in Mac and JD’s correspondence becomes incendiary when they first touch. But while Mac and JD get sidetracked untangling their innermost feelings, outside a blizzard rages—and a murderer lies in wait to ensure an author and his editor never get their happy-ever-after.

With a real live madman stalking him, can Mac pull off another miracle and save himself, his lover, and his tribe before it’s too late?

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Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artists:
Pairings: M-M

About the Author

Z.A. Maxfield started writing in 2007 on a dare from her children and never looked back. Pathologically disorganized, and perennially optimistic, she writes as much as she can, reads as much as she dares, and enjoys her time with family and friends. Three things reverberate throughout all her stories: Unconditional love, redemption, and the belief that miracles happen when we least expect them.

If anyone asks her how a wife and mother of four can find time for a writing career, she’ll answer, “It’s amazing what you can accomplish if you give up housework.”