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Saved by the Pitcher

by Gareth Chris

Saved by the Pitcher - Gareth Chris
Editions:Kindle - First Edition: $ 6.99
ISBN: 180250639X
Pages: 180

James Vicksburg should be happy that he's finally achieved acting success on Broadway, but his conservative senator father controls what he can do and who he can love. When James's baseball idol, Mike Cooper, meets him backstage after his show, the mutual attraction is palpable. The two begin what they think is a secret affair, but James quickly learns that nothing stays hidden from his vindictive father for long.

James is torn between his growing love for Mike and his desire to protect him from his father. What he doesn't realize is that Mike has his own plan to fight for James's happiness, even if it means losing each other.

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Publisher: Pride Publishing
Cover Artists:
Pairings: M-F, M-M
Heat Level: 4
Romantic Content: 5
Ending: Click here to reveal
Character Identities: Bisexual, Gay
Protagonist 1 Age: 26-35
Protagonist 2 Age: 36-45
Tropes: Blackmail, Coming Out Later in Life, Criminals & Outlaws, Find Love and Come Out, First Time, Forbidden Love, Hurt / Comfort, Meet Cute, Most Mindblowing Sex Ever, Out for You, Slow Burning Love
Word Count: 62000
Setting: New York City, The Hamptons (New York)
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Same Universe / Various Characters

Mike had left instructions with security to escort James to the box upon his arrival. Now, Mike was pacing, checking the stocked bar and adjusting the air temperature, wanting everything to be perfect. He was bending over the mini-refrigerator to retrieve a water bottle when he heard footsteps behind him. He straightened and turned, happy to see a beaming James wearing a team baseball jersey, sunglasses, shorts and backwards baseball cap. Mike thought he would combust. The guy was so cute.

“You didn’t have to stand up,” James said. “I was enjoying the view.”

Mike snickered and walked over to embrace James. Like the last time, he could smell James’ skin and hair, and he reveled in touching James’ strong back muscles as he held him for a moment. “You look nice.”

James rolled his eyes. “I look like every other guy here.”

Mike grinned at the comment. “Trust me. You don’t.”



“Since we’ve confessed that we’re interested in more than friendship, maybe you could give me a little something that gets the ball rolling?”

James quirked an eyebrow. “Huh?”

Mike scratched the back of his neck with some nervousness. “Does it sound too weird to ask if you’d back up from the camera so I can see your chest?”

James jerked his head back, startled before grinning. “Mike Cooper…are you trying to turn this into a sex chat?”


Mike chuckled and pulled the container of pastries, breakfast potatoes, sausage and fried eggs from the bag. “Mm. That does smell wonderful.”

“If you say so,” James said. “Half the dogs in the city followed me here.”

Mike ignored the barb, retrieving the clear plastic cup that contained James’ beverage. “Yuck. Some green, slimy thing made its way into the bag.”

“That’s my kale smoothie,” James clarified, grabbing the cup from him.

Mike rolled his eyes. “I hope I won’t be tasting kale later when we’re in my bed.”

James was taken aback, then pretended to huff. “Presumptuous, aren’t we?”

Mike shrugged. “Not especially.”


Mike smirked. “I don’t care that you’re modest when you’re by yourself. But when you’re with me, you’ll be an exhibitionist. So, take your clothes off, please.”

James crossed his arms in mock protest. “Such a voyeur. My God. Fine—after you.”

Mike laughed before throwing his baseball cap onto the kitchen table and pulling off his jersey. Before James could comment, Mike unzipped his jeans and shucked both them and his underwear down his legs and off his feet, leaving him only in white athletic socks.

James clicked his tongue. “Wow, stunning. What brand of socks are they? I can’t take my eyes off them.”

“Brat,” Mike chastised, reaching over and tickling James until he was crying from laughing so much.



Reviews:avidreader4ever on Amazon wrote:

James was in need of a good save. As a baseball fan, the metaphor was particularly interesting to me as I read this story. James was controlled by his homophobic father and does not feel like he can get involved which was a shame as Mike had been a crush for him when he was younger and Mike was still playing professional baseball. Turns out when they meet backstage after James has performed in a musical the spark is there. They connect and decide to keep it on the downlow as James is concerned about what his father might attempt to do to Mike. But Mike is willing to fight for his guy. I really enjoyed the drama and angst in this story. James' father is a real piece of work and without spoilers I will just say I was glad that Mike was willing to hang in there so that both James and his brother could be with the one they loved.
I received an ARC from GRR and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Ashlee Swenson on Amazon wrote:

This book had me hooked from the beginning! I was so excited for James and Mike to meet and pursue a relationship! Getting to know James and his background was heartbreaking and knowing he was trying to save all those around him to his own detriment really tore at my heart. I loved how strong Mike was during everything. This book was hard to put down and I loved every minute of it!

JC on Amazon wrote:

I really enjoyed Saved by the Pitcher and the love story of James (a successful Broadway star) and Mike (a retired sportsman). Their affair is thwarted by actions created by James' father, who is a rich and powerful Senator. They have an impact on both James and his devoted brother Billy. Can their relationship survive such a terrible onslaught? It's a very strong story-line with richly drawn characters and I loved it. I would highly recommend Saved by the Pitcher, and look forward to further books from Gareth.

StarDragon on Amazon wrote:

This book is about two brothers and a politically corrupt controlling father. James and Billy are held under the thumb of their father. If the do anything he doesn’t like bad things happen. Enter Mike a retired relief pitcher enamored by James a Broadway actor. Billy and his girlfriend Nadia along with Maria, meet Mike at one of James shows. At this point the storyline enthralls you, full of drama, danger, love, and steam. It is both heart wrenching and heartwarming until the end.

Readingbks on Amazon wrote:

This is a great story added to this series! Great characters and an all around wonderful story! I really enjoyed it! I read an advanced copy of this story and this is my unbiased review!

BooksRLife on Amazon wrote:

This book was enjoyable but also sad for the things we have to go through because of our parents, or whatever it is, just to have the O.K. to continue breathing. Like they're doing us the favor. That part of the book was difficult yet freeing in a way. I'm glad I took the time to read this as it was totally worth it.

LilMommi on Amazon wrote:

The characters are wonderful, the storyline is great and the pacing flows very smoothly, there is angst, but the story is so beautiful.

About the Author

Gareth Chris is the author of the forthcoming 'All on the Line' series, where heroes you'll root for risk everything for love. He has a passion for storytelling and creating compelling characters that find romance in the most difficult situations. His unique writing style and ability to craft stories that are simultaneously suspenseful, humorous, and sexy will have you hooked.
Gareth brings to his writing several years of experience in executive positions with international corporations, mostly in the areas of Communications (leveraging his bachelor's degree in English) and Human Resources (capitalizing on his abilities to forge productive relationships and appreciation for diversity). When he's not at his keyboard or enjoying nature in his native New England part of the United States, he volunteers for various organizations that assist the disadvantaged.
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