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Someone to Lose

Poles and Holes #1

by Kelvin Young

Everyone needs a little me time to reconnect with themselves . . .

Kieran and Lance have been having problems for a while, and life has grown difficult after nineteen years. Lance admitted to making a mistake, and he admits to having tried breaking down Kieran’s self-imposed protective barriers.

In an act of true love, Lance sends his husband, Kieran, on the trip of a lifetime. A trip where Kieran could drop the walls, stop putting on airs, and learn how to connect who he had been with who he’d become.

This was a free week to remember what it was to be adventurous. A time when Kieran could explore the opportunities he’d always denied himself.

Lance sent his husband, Kieran, on a cruise. This was not just any cruise. . . this was a gay cruise.

Reviews:Donna on Goodreads wrote:

This was an interesting concept, one I hadn’t read about before. Marriage isn’t always easy, especially the longer you’re together. It can be easy to lose that spark amidst everyday life and the familiarity and comfort one finds with a life partner. The blurb sets the story up really well. After nineteen years of marriage, Lance has made a mistake. Even with apologies, Kieran has checked out as Lance tries to explain what he sees. Unable to get through to him, Lance sends Kieran on a one week gay cruise with 6500 gay men (and 4 women) in hopes he can find himself, what he has lost, and learn what he wants moving forward.

Part one is the first day and night of the cruise as Kieran starts to realize some things about himself, on his journey to figure out where to go from here. It may be an unusual intervention when trying to save a marriage, so it will be interesting to see the choices Kieran makes next. Looking forward to the next two installments.