The Hallowed Bloodline Series

The Guardian is a guilty pleasure, time travel, erotic M/M fantasy novel about twin witches Robbie and Rowan, who take a job at a mineral mining company. They soon discover something is lurking in the darkened mine.
Robbie and Rowan are thrown back in time and find themselves stranded in the year 1647 with no foreseeable way back. Robbie is maliciously catapulted forward in time to the year 1918. Separated from Rowan for the first time in his life, Robbie is scared and alone. Robbie finds his young grandfather in post-war Connecticut. He is forced to witness a secret relationship between his grandfather and a man. Robbie learns of the existence of werewolves and knows he will need his brother to help him fight in the battle that has the potential of becoming the next apocalypse.
Publisher: Kindle Worlds
Cover Artists:
Pairings: M-M
Heat Level: 4
Romantic Content: 2
Ending: Click here to reveal
Character Identities: Straight
Protagonist 1 Age: 18-25
Protagonist 2 Age: 18-25
Protagonist 3 Age: 18-25
Tropes: Biological Urge to Mate, Gay for You / Straight to Gay, Mind Games, Passing as Straight
Word Count: 153,500
Setting: US, West Haven, CT
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters
Robbie felt a pang of anguish when he spotted Aaron heading back towards the vehicle with the pizzas in hand. He wiped his tears with the back of his hands. He imagined his eyes were red from crying, he just hoped that Aaron wouldn’t notice them in the dark. Aaron stuffed seven boxes of pizza in the back seat. The jeep suddenly smelt of meat and cheese. Aaron began to drive back to the drive-in.
Aaron snuck a glance over at Robbie who sat as far away from him as possible. The boy sat sullen and he looked bereft Aaron suddenly felt nervous and guilty. He was afraid that Robbie might tell Professor Wells what he had done and he could lose the only job he ever had. “Hey, do you know the King of Arcadia?” Aaron said to break the silence.
Robbie grunted “No I don’t know him,” he continued to look out the window.
“He was a figure in Greek mythology,” Aaron told him.
“Oh,” Robbie uttered drably.
“You interested in Greek mythology?”
READ MORE“Not really,” Robbie said flatly.
“I can dig that. I’ve only recently gotten into it myself. It was Professor Wells who turned me onto it, as well as Egyptian mythology.” Aaron said eagerly.
“Greek mythology is better.” Robbie inhaled the savory scent of the pizza and began to tune into the conversation. “I can vaguely remember a fable about a man who slaughters, his son and served his dismembered body to Zeus. I don’t remember it well enough to tell it.” Robbie told him.
“That’s the king of Arcadia man!” Aaron said excitedly. “His name was Lycaon. You get it, like Lycan.”
“Yeah that wasn’t too hard to piece together,” Robbie said in a patronizing manner. “I have always wondered why in the hell would he kill his son and serve him to Zeus.”
“Lycaon was known for his notorious deeds. He wanted to see whether Zeus was truly omniscient, all-knowing.” Robbie was a little offended that Aaron paraphrased the word as if he didn’t know what omniscient meant. “Zeus knew immediately after tasting the grotesque dish exactly what it was. He was furious with Lycaon. Being a vengeful god he transformed Lycaon into the form of a wolf.” Aaron told him.
“Creating the first werewolf.” Robbie interrupted. He wanted to show Aaron that he wasn’t the idiot he must take him for.
COLLAPSEDavid B. Paulk
5.0 out of 5 stars A read like quicksand -
Reviewed in the United States on March 12, 2021
Verified Purchase
Once you step into the book it pulls you through a Roller Coaster ride of emotions, until the last gasp as the end closes over your head. At the beginning I wasn't sure if this was going to be what I was looking for, then it dawned on me that the actions I found off-putting were exactly the needed plotline to make the villain(s) detestable - it worked. Meanwhile, the Hero's were exactly what I was looking to find. They used there skill and natural talent to solve the issue presented by the villain. This turned into the most enjoyable read in a long time and made me anticipate the sequel.