High crimes and sexy misdemeanors

Scottish high crimes and sexy misdemeanors…
The Kilt Complex finds former state trooper Alex Dominguez out of his element—on the shore of a distant sea, far from the comfort of his Nevada mountains, guilt-plagued for rejecting the bed of his handsome lover. Castle laird Rory, whose life mantra has always been cum and go, is uncharacteristically flustered by his own deepening feelings for dark-eyed Alex.
The singular act of Alex’s moving out of the castle seems to spark both men to come to terms with their intense love affair. Can each of them overcome deep-seated guilt and build a solid relationship on the hot coals of desire?
Tracking the story of a lost dog, the men become enmeshed in a deadly chain of events. From the perilous cliffs on the North Sea to the grounds of the Scottish Parliament, and from the luxury of a millionaire’s digs to the rude oak barrels of a native fisherman, Rory and Alex find they must finally confront their complex feelings for each other in order to survive the trap of a killer.
Second of the Nevada Highlander Series
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- 1 Read list
Publisher: New Dawn Press
Cover Artists:
Pairings: M-M
Heat Level: 5
Romantic Content: 5
Ending: Click here to reveal
Character Identities: Gay
Protagonist 1 Age: 18-25
Protagonist 2 Age: 26-35
Tropes: Alpha Character, Healing Power of Sex, Thrill of the Chase
Word Count: 60156
Setting: Scotland
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters
From chapter five, "The Parable"
Alex tries to explain the importance of manual labor to his lover Rory, who was born into wealth and position.
“Explain that. About earning your way. Last night you said, ‘earning your keep,’ before I brushed you off. Sorry I did that.”
Alex could not believe this was Rory, his “my way or the highway” lover who rarely allowed him to assert the upper hand, and who even more rarely apologized. For anything.
“Actually, Rory, it didn’t dawn on me you wouldn’t know. But a man who never had to work…someone born into wealth… Shit, it makes sense you wouldn’t have a clue about the meaning of work. Not your fault.”
He found himself running his thumbs along Rory’s inside thighs, next to his testicles, feeling more horny by the second as he spoke and touched.
READ MORE“Imagine this. There’s a man in the desert, snake-bit, no remedy in sight. And then you walk onto the scene, whip out your anti-venom, apply it to the poor sonofabitch, and then you carry him to a place of healing. That’s how it feels to have a job. Doing a thing…maybe for yourself, maybe for someone else…something that makes you hold your head high and feel proud just to be alive.”
Rory’s head was back, his eyes closed, his prick crowding the Levi’s. “Tell me more, lad. I need to know.”
“Then lie back all the way. And just listen, okay?”
He saw Rory nod, then collapse back on the carpet with his arms spread and his legs open, responding to the way his thumbs inscribed circles and loops on the denims stretched over his lump of testicles. He leaned forward and slid the metal button from its hole, then slowly unzipped the Levi’s. He’d never told Rory—and maybe he never would— but that singular act was as arousing as any goddamn thing he could do to his sexy lover. He fucking loved the way Rory’s huge dick always spilled out, often tipped in a sheen of early cum, sometimes moving of its own accord, but always stiff and ready. Maybe tied with that act was tenting his head inside the man’s kilt… But he’d save that pleasure for later.
“Okay, Rory. Imagine you are lying helpless on the carpet, bare as a new-born baby.” As he spoke, Alex began to pull the denims off his hips, down his thighs, while Rory jumped and bucked under the slow process. His lover’s low moan fired him all the way up his butt, and he knelt low to talk directly into the cock.
“And suddenly someone comes along.” He laid his tongue against the side of the heavy cock, then let the saliva drip as he explored the shaft, from the root to the tip. “Are you following me so far?”
A strangled moan answered him, and Alex grinned in lust and expectation. Rory really was listening to him, and he meant to tell him something very important.
“Someone comes along, someone different from any man you’ve ever known. He sneaks up like an outlaw and takes something very precious to you. He steals your heart. And then he leaves.”
He rose to his feet. “Don’t move. I’m not finished.” He kicked out of the boots, unbuckled his jeans and slid them down to his calves and completely off, then squatted damn near on top of Rory’s moving cock. He rubbed the tip around the entrance to his asshole, then moved up until it was in his lover’s face. “Suck my asshole. Make it wet.”
He had never felt so unrestrained, so in charge of their love making. He knew it had something to do with his newfound job, but right now he was so close to coming he didn’t want to analyze it. Rory’s lapping tongue found his anus and penetrated it, his hands moving to lift his butt up and down as he spat and probed.
“Yes…suck it… He steals your heart, and the next thing you know, he has stolen even your will to leave the fucking bed. He…goddamn, Rory, deeper…he makes every hour feel like a honeymoon, like there’s no such thing as three squares and a paycheck.”
He lowered his open asshole, now dripping in spit, and grasped Rory’s cock, guiding it in. “And the feeling gets deeper and deeper…closer to the root… “ He was letting the cock enter, then slide almost free, in rhythm with his words.
“…until he can hardly break away and be his own person. He’s so fucking deep in love…unh…and lust…oh God, fuck me… he forgets his will to be free. To be his own man.”
As he let the cock slide in and out, he leaned forward and drove his tongue into Rory’s open mouth. Its mute expression of coming rapture fired him to climax, his prick smearing Rory’s groin and chest with jizz even as he felt his lover’s own cum erupt in his ass.
He lay for long minutes on the man’s heaving chest, and then he raised his head to look at his face, still flushed with pleasure. “Did you listen hard, Rory? That’s why I got a job. And why you’re fucking going to love it. Now let’s get that ad into the papers and then take a bath.”
Susan Wilson on Amazon wrote:Nevada cop Alex Dominguez has quit his job, packed his bag, scraped together some cash and taken off to Scotland to confront Rory Drummond, the laird of his life who left Alex, and we trusting readers, in a lurch at the end of "Nevada Highlander."
Rory, that idiot, is holed up in his family castle drinking himself into oblivion because he can't figure out how to get Alex back. Alex solves that problem by showing up on the castle doorstep, and for just a few moments the almost sweet pace of the first book in the series continues--and then pow!
Author O'Quinn takes Alex and Rory on a multifaceted journey of deception, blackmail, intrigue, murder (um, and love) which races through the Scottish countryside and Edinburgh. She also throws in a hitch in Alex and Rory's relationship that will force both of them to confront and deal with each other's aspirations and emotions outside of their extraordinary sexual escapades.
This one moves along like a bullet, but at the same time it is Alex's story, a perfect complement to the fact that in the end the first book turned out to be Rory's. What is so remarkable is that both Rory and Alex come together in ways they could never have imagined in the Nevada mountains, or in Rory's spacious and comfortable bedroom.
How the whole thing winds up will leave you pumping your fist--and hoping for more, which rumor has it, may actually come along in another book. You go, girl!
Pinkerbelle Rex on Amazon wrote:There’s much to be said for a man in a kilt, and Erin O’Quinn says it beautifully! Add to that a man who’s more at home in jeans and boots, an Irish wolfhound, a dead scientist and a politician with a secret. That’s The Kilt Complex, told in O’Quinn’s inimitable style, with the careful attention to detail she brings to everything she writes.
Rory Drummond and his lover, Alex Dominguez, are working to uncover who’s behind the puzzling events that bring an immense wolfhound into their lives when Rory’s uncle, a member of Parliament, is threatened with disclosure of a secret that will end his career. Rather than having Alex’s back, in every way that could possibly mean, Rory has to defend the family honor and save the uncle who’s caused him a great deal of trouble over the years. Alex is well familiar with danger, since he’s a former cop from Nevada, but Rory’s never seen him in (that kind of) action and his attempts to protect that man he loves stand a good chance of backfiring. Can he learn to trust both Alex and himself enough to let go and to speak the words that need saying?
The sex is blistering, the love deep, and the danger intense. An excellent read that delivers on every level.
"JM" on Amazon wrote:This amazing sequel to the sexy 'Nevada Highlander' brought a sting to my eyes from its second page on. Although I shed not a tear until its end, my eyes were moist with wonder and delight throughout the entire read. I scarce know where to begin, the beauty of the written words, which brought the aroma of Scottish heather, lavender, thistle and the North sea to my olfactory mind—or the exquisitely balanced, fiery romance between virile lovers Rory, a Scottish laird, and Alex, a Nevada [native], who test the bounds of their newfound love by sleuthing out the perpetrators of several dangerous crimes.
This story starts several days after the ending of the previous book in which the estranged lovers had reunited in Scotland. After days of hot sex and hot baths, with brief bouts of feeding to maintain their vigorous lovemaking, Alex finds he needs to assert himself lest Rory “keep him” tied to his bedroom forever. Alex fears that soon he won’t want to leave the warm, cozy place with its exquisite banquet of Rory, Rory, and more Rory. Determined to earn his keep, Alex decides he needs a job and a space apart from Rory to figure out what their love means to his future. But how to break the news to the generous, indomitable yet fragile Rory—without shattering the man’s heart?
Rory Drummond knows that he wants Alex always and forever, but is finding it increasingly difficult to untwist his tongue to tell his lover. Suppose Alex doesn’t feel the same way? And why would Alex believe him given Rory’s “cum and go” record of travelling the world and taking his lovers lightly? Plus, Rory cannot understand Alex’s need to be independent and work for a living. Now that they are together, what Rory has is Alex’s—cannot the man see that? Determined to gain an understanding of the deeper needs of his lover, Rory catches a break when the two men find clues to opposite ends of the same crime. Will working together to solve the riddle of the stray wolfhound and the mysterious body found on the local sea cliff bring Rory closer to the alien part of his lover? Will it create a deeper trust that allows Rory to speak his love to Alex and ask that he stay with him always?
What follows is a crisp, colorful mix of romance, intimacy, and adventure, set amidst the picturesque backdrop of the Scotland wilds and its quaint local townships. Rich with the quiet heartfelt voices of both men who struggle to come to terms with the tender fragility of their relationship, the story’s mystery is intriguing and highly engaging. Each clue as to the identity of the unclaimed body and beautiful wolfhound reveals yet another twist in an ever-deepening scheme of greed, blackmail, and murder. I loved the individuality of the petty criminals and local characters I met as Alex and Rory follow the trail of a dangerous foe, a mastermind ballsy enough to conceal himself in plain sight.
The inclusion of Rory’s family members and the character of Alan, his steward, provided a lovely warmth and delicious humor to the tale. The character of “Wee Willie,” a local chap who cooks “smokies” of smoked haddock on the cliffs, added to the enchanting visuals of local life in the quaint villages of Scotland. Add in the stormy, tumultuous romance, the sizzling sex of two infatuated men and…my God, a kilt scene to die for, and this book is a fulfilling feast for the senses.
The language of the writing is poetic and lyrical, music to my ears and fodder for my brain. I applaud Erin O’Quinn for her ever heightening and masterful skill at painting vivid images with a few choice words. This gift she has is chiefly responsible for the sting in my eyes. My mind, ever hungry for engagement found much to revel in—short cryptic codes to decipher, subtle phraseologies that translate a wealth of information, charming witticisms that brought a smile, much laughter, and a multitude of rereads at the wonder of the magic…her magic...a gift indeed.
Thank you, Erin O’Quinn, I feel so lucky to experience your stories, ever enjoyable and so inspiring.
“Sensual, Romantic, Sizzler!”
Just when you think the story can't get any better, Erin O'Quinn raises the bar again!! This is such a great book with WONDERFUL characters that you will adore!!! Rory and Alex are living breathing and loving characters that just shine!!! The story is great and the pace is breakneck. Truly a wonderful book and a great series!! Can't wait to read the third book.