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The Uses of Illicit Art

by Wendy Palmer

The Uses of Illicit Art - Wendy Palmer
ISBN: 978-0-9874511-2-5
ISBN: 978-0-9874511-8-7

'Your ridiculous Art. It’s as twisty as you are, and that’s saying something.'

Kit Whitely has been exploited his entire life for his unique magical specialty, opening doors and locks. He's finally safe…until bounty hunter Alexander Locke arrests him for the use of illicit Art.

But Alex is a man of divided loyalties and he intends to use Kit for illicit purposes of his own.

How much trouble could one pissant little thief give him, anyway?

About the Author

Wendy Palmer lives in Bridgetown, Western Australia with her partner, son, dogs, goats, alpacas, bees and chickens. She's patted tigers, ridden elephants, dog-sledded across glaciers, faced down lions in the Serengeti, swum with whale sharks, and camped in the Sahara, but she not-so-secretly prefers curling up with a good book.

She writes fantasy fiction with entertaining characters, enjoyably perilous adventures, romantic entanglements, some dark undertones, but always happy, hopeful endings.