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Ties That Bind (Arizona, #3)

Book Three in the Arizona series

by Romeo Preminger

Ties That Bind - Romeo Preminger - Arizona Series
Part of the The Arizona series series:
Editions:Kindle: $ 4.99
ISBN: 9781737878049
Pages: 288

After graduating from Columbia, with plans to start a writing career in New York City, Arizona is called back to bayou country by tragic news. His youngest brother Douglas is dead. The circumstances are unthinkable, and Arizona is thrust into the struggles of a family he left behind.

While back in Louisiana, he’s also faced by his boyhood love, Preston Montclair, and Gaston Bondurant, Arizona’s secret, wealthy father whose growing public profile creates new problems for the two of them. Arizona could go back to New York, live the life he’d planned, and not have to worry about small town problems and small-minded people. But the ties that bind are strong and have him questioning where and who he’s supposed to be.

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THE GRADUATION PARTIES were over, and I was hauling a mattress up three flights of stairs to the East Village apartment I’d be sharing with my best friend, Jonathan Gutierrez, and our pal, Ken Sacks. We’d rented a U-Haul to move our belongings downtown, along with some new furniture. I was on my tenth trip up and down those stairs. My legs were screaming, but I was far from complaining. I had my bachelor’s degree in creative writing from Columbia University, my first post-college apartment in the most happening neighborhood in New York City, and I was living with my best friends. We were Class of 1990.


I heaved the mattress into an eight-by-ten room where I’d be sleeping, and I leaned over myself to catch my breath. The apartment was smaller than what I’d had up in Morningside Heights, and we’d have to go without a living room since that was going to be Ken’s bedroom. A lot of folks would’ve said I had a screw loose, and here’s the reason. My daddy owned B&B Enterprises, the second biggest sugar manufacturer in North America. I was his only son, and with my monthly allowance, I could’ve afforded a flush apartment uptown. I didn’t have a screw loose, but you might say I was stubborn. I’d told my daddy now that I was a college graduate, I wanted the experience of paying my own way.

Jonathan and I had been recruited as junior editors at Macmillan Publishers. The three-way split on the apartment would be a good chunk of my monthly salary, but I was doing things right, being my own man.

Well, I’m gonna confess, you might say I had less noble reasons too. I couldn’t stand living alone. I’d only slept in my own apartment two or three times a week that year. Sometimes, that was on account of getting lucky, though mostly I was studying late in the dorms or stumbling home from a bar with this or that friend who’d shrug and say I might as well sleep over. I think I spent more time on a floor in a sleeping bag than in my own bed. After I moved out of the dorms junior year, my friends started calling me the wealthiest vagabond in New York. Well, I always paid my own way and then some when we went barhopping or dancing, and you could bet I was buying everyone’s breakfast in the morning and giving the delivery boy a ten dollar tip. A twenty if he was cute.


About the Author

Romeo Preminger is the pen name for an author who likes writing gay romantic smut without losing his day job. He’s married to a great guy and believes in happily-ever-after.

He writes about gay relationships that are hot, emotional and psychological, sometimes dark and dangerous, and always a bit of a mind-fuck. Think Lifetime Movie Network hijacked by Gus Van Sant if he directed gay porn. Or, just give one of his books a try and see for yourself.