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Touch Me Gently

by J.R. Loveless

Touch Me Gently - J.R. Loveless
Editions:Kindle: $ 4.99
Pages: 212
Paperback: $ 13.99
Pages: 212

A scarred young man finds security in the arms of a sexy cowboy with a big heart.

Kaden James has relied on dangerous coping mechanisms to quiet the horrific memories that led to his fear of large men. After struggling to hold down a job, he knows he can’t refuse the offer to be a cook at a Montana ranch, even if it is temporary.

He never imagined just how much that decision would change his life.

Logan Michaels can sense the fear in his new cook as soon as they meet. Although he’s always considered himself straight, there’s something about the younger man that captivates him. He tries to fight the attraction, but even the memories that have kept him from finding love aren’t enough to stop him from trying to earn Kaden’s confidence.

Will Logan find a way to break through the mistrust and fear Kaden carries as a shield?

This is a re-release. Some content has been edited, but nothing regarding plot line been changed.

Please note this book may contain content that is potentially difficult for some readers, but rest assured, Logan and Kaden will find their happily ever after!

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About the Author

J.R. Loveless is a native Floridian who spends her days in an office physically, but mentally is frolicking between the pages of her imagination. Writing has been a lifelong passion for J.R. and she has pursued it from an early age, even winning awards in school and finally beginning her life as a published author in 2010.

She is a self-confessed Potterhead spending her days with her three furbabies and enjoying the major chapters on her long journey through life. One day she hopes to visit far off places and have grand adventures like those of the characters in her stories.