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by Xavi Frey

Voidbloom - Xavi Frey
Part of the Derelict Hearts series:
  • Voidbloom
Editions:ePub: $ 0.99
Pages: 18

Just a man and his lichen roommate on Titan, falling in love. Cozy sci-fi romance short story.


His field notes record that the substance is dry like Earth lichen, flat and scaly, and is likely in a dormant state. It smells like rotting wood, though Titan has exhibited no previous history of plant life, and its cortex ranges in color from a soft lilac to a blazing orange.

A parenthetical note suggests: Sample of lichen, unclassified, crustose. Color appears to shift, possibly in response to the researcher’s position and proximity.

This note is scratched out so violently that the tear digs into the next two pages of his logbook.