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Vows Box Set

4 Gay Romance Stories in 1!

by Addison Albright

Vows Box Set - Addison Albright
Editions:Kindle - Box Set: $ 6.99
Pages: 476
ePub: $ 6.99
ISBN: 9781634864503
PDF: $ 6.99
ISBN: 9781634864503
Audiobook: $ 24.95
ISBN: B0789QS18M

Join Henry and Sam and an appealing supporting cast as they ride a rollercoaster of emotions when their lives are derailed before coming back on track, leaving Nash as collateral damage in the novel, Til Death Do Us Part, novelette From This Day Forward, and short story, Okay, Then. Nash takes an unusual path to his own HEA in To Love and To Cherish.
Contains the stories:
'Til Death Do Us Part: Henry and Sam Miller-Greene are living the dream, but their worlds are shattered when Henry's plane crashes and he's presumed dead. But Henry survives undetected on a remote, small, and insignificant island. Will Sam and Henry's love be able to survive, as well? When Henry and Sam face an accidental estrangement, and Henry is assumed dead, can their love endure the trials of one's fight for survival, and the other's new love interest? When Henry is rescued, will Sam be able to put aside his new love when he reunites with Henry?
From This Day Forward: Henry and Sam are enjoying life after Henry's rescue. With their nightmare separation behind them, Henry and Sam are anxious to renew both the intensity of their former intimacies -- now hampered by having a curious and still apprehensive child sharing their home -- and their commitment to one another. Will they be able to move their love forward now that they are together again?
Okay, Then: Sam and Henry's first date/encounter is mentioned in flashback in 'Til Death Do Us Part,but this short story fleshes it out. Relive the moment they first connect while on a research trip in Honiara in the Solomon Islands.
To Love and To Cherish: Jilted by his fiancé Sam just weeks before their wedding, Nash Marino’s outlook on life in general, and love in particular, is jaded. Will Nash find love again? Of course he will. Will he go about it in the usual way? Now that’s another story entirely. When Nash’s marriage of convenience scheme is muddied by notions of love after a memory reboot, will their plans go awry, or will Nash’s new outlook on life be just what the doctor ordered?

Available in ebook and audiobook formats!

Whispersync for Voice Ready!
Keywords: ebook, box set, collection, audiobook

This book is on:
  • 3 To Be Read lists
  • 5 Read lists
Publisher: JMS Books, LLC
Cover Artists:
Pairings: M-M
Heat Level: 3
Romantic Content: 4
Ending: Click here to reveal
Character Identities: Gay
Protagonist 1 Age: 26-35
Protagonist 2 Age: 26-35
Tropes: Adopted Child, Amnesia, First Time, Hurt / Comfort, Marriage of Convenience, Most Mindblowing Sex Ever, Queer Wedding
Word Count: 147,000
Setting: Seattle, WA, USA
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Same Universe / Various Characters

Excerpt from Book 3 in the box set: To Love and To Cherish

Mentally preparing himself to step across the café to meet with Emmitt just hours ago—or even to introduce himself to Edward the previous night—had nothing on the psychological turmoil that descended as Nash stood outside Harley’s apartment door, key in hand, steeling himself to put it into the lock.

What had he done? No, that wasn’t correct. He fully believed that his engagement was not merely an acceptable decision, but a great one.

Marriage to Emmitt would instantly take care of everything fucked up with his life. A more accurate thought was “now what?” As in “how in the world was he going to convince his best friend this was a sane decision?”


“Not to mention fix everything that’s wrong with my life.” Emmitt’s earlier words echoed through Nash’s mind, mirroring his own thoughts. It was still hard to believe Emmitt could have anything wrong with his life. Did it really boil down to something as simple as “money doesn’t buy happiness”?

Nash’s brother Aaron’s favorite phrase came to mind. Gird your loins. Well, it had been Aaron’s favorite phrase back in grade school, anyway. He’d whisper it with a giggle-snort daily when their father arrived home.

A large and muscular man, their dad had one of those faces that seemed to be perpetually frowning. The brothers had been in awe of him growing up, but they’d eventually figured out what their mother had always known—he was just a big pussycat underneath it all.

So, Nash girded his loins, turned the key, and entered the apartment.

Harley looked up from the can of spaghetti sauce he was pouring into a pot on the stove. “Damn, Nash. I hope you got some bonus pay for that. You’ve been gone for hours.”

“No,” Oliver said, narrowing his eyes. “He’s kinda rumpled. He hasn’t been talking to some doctor all this time.”
Harley’s forehead crinkled as his eyebrows raised. “So he is. Where’d you go? I thought you said you’d be right back.”

“Who are you, my dad?” Nash immediately regretted his immature reaction.

Oliver laughed and elbowed Harley. “Methinks your son is hiding something, Padre.”

Harley placed the empty can on the counter and walked to Nash, whose face heated as Harley slowly looked him up and down. “You had sex, didn’t you? All I want to know is did you pay for it?”

“What? Shut up!” This was so not going as planned. Not that he’d had a plan, but he needed to get this conversation under control.

“I’m waiting.” Harley smirked, crossed his arms, and tapped a foot with mock impatience.

“Why aren’t you two married, anyway?” Nash blurted.

“What?” Harley and Oliver replied in unison.

“Why aren’t you two married? It’s a simple question.”

“Seriously?” Harley replied. “We’ve been together for only six months.”


“What?” Again they were in unison.

“So? What difference does that truly make? You each know the other is perfect for you. We even analyzed that shit last night. You guys are a great match in every way.”

“It’s still been only six months,” Harley insisted.

“So?” Oliver replied.

Harley’s eyes widened, and he turned to face his boyfriend. He gulped, but remained silent.

“I had this whole conversation with Angela the other day,” Nash said. “About how quickly we’d known in our hearts that a relationship ultimately wouldn’t work, but stuck it out anyway because we’d hope things would work out. But when we’d met someone who was a great match for us, we’d known that just as fast. Admit it, you know right now that you’re going to marry Oliver in the end. You’re just holding out for bullshit reasons.”

“I don’t know that I’d call them bullshit reasons,” Harley blustered.

“What would you call them?” Oliver asked.

“Harley pointed a finger at him. “Don’t put this all on me. You’re just as capable of asking as I am.”

Oliver had the decency to blush. “Okay, I guess that’s a fair point, but you’re the one still insisting we keep waiting.”

“Don’t put words in my mouth.”

“What? That’s pretty much what you just said.”

“I was explaining why we hadn’t, not insisting that we shouldn’t.”

Oliver pinched his lips and placed his hands on his hips. “So?”

“So what?” Harley asked.

“Do you want to get married?”

Reviews:Adile Drew on Cozy Romance Writer and Reviewer wrote:

Review Excerpt:

I congratulate the author for writing this complex and deeply emotional story. Each character had their own tale to share, personality that was solid, congruent, well established and certainly unforgettable. Nothing was missing. This story was crafted carefully to the point it reminded me of how lace is made…delicately crafted and formed yet so solid.

Buttonsmom2003 on Xtreme Delusions wrote:

Audiobook Review Excerpts:

Fascinating series.

I’ve listened to a few really short (less than 2 hours) audio books without first reading the ebook, but this is the first long audiobook that I’ve ever listened to without reading the ebook first. It’s also the first book I’ve “read” by Addison Albright.

Once I started listening to this story I couldn’t stop. I listened to book 1 without taking a break. I had to split the rest up over the next couple of days but I really, really wanted to keep going.

Jim on Jim's Reading Room wrote:

Audiobook Review Excerpts:

Let me begin by saying I’ve never had an audiobook before. Vows Box Set was an awesomely awesome introduction to the world of audiobooks.

The entire Vows series is one intense emotional roller coaster ride after another. Just the prologue of ‘Til Death Do Us Part kicked my emotions in high gear.

The series would make an incredible TV mini-series, or maybe even a feature-length film.

This is not the first of Ms. Albright’s works I’ve read but it is by far the best and I hope to see more of Sam, Henry, Aiden, Nash, Emmitt and the rest of the gang.

I don’t usually become emotionally vested in a story, but this series grabbed ahold of me and didn’t let go until the very end of the series.

Readers. I wish you luck NOT getting drawn in. It’s pretty much unavoidable.

I cannot recommend the Vows box set highly enough. 5 out of 5 stars.

Well done, Ms. Albright, well done.

Erryn on Rainbow Gold Reviews wrote:

Audiobook Review Excerpts:

As a reader, I was pulled into the story, often getting emotional. As each chapter progressed and significant time passed, I felt Henry’s desperation. I also felt Sam’s need to move on. And if Henry had died, I can see why Sam found himself attracted to the kind, sweet, and humorous Nash.

I enjoyed David Gilmore’s narration. There were quite a few characters and he differentiated them well. He is new to me, but I wouldn’t hesitate to listen to him again. And, of course, I can’t wait for the next Addison Albright book. This was a great series and I’m so glad I was able to listen to them all at once.

Rainbow Awards - Runner Up     

Book 1, ’Til Death Do Us Part was a Runner Up in the 2016 Rainbow Awards in both the "Best Contemporary Gay Romance" and "Best Gay Book" categories.

Book 3, To Love and To Cherish received two Honorable Mentions in the 2017 Rainbow Awards.

About the Author

Rainbow Award winning author Addison Albright lives in the middle of the USA. Her stories are gay romance in contemporary, fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction genres. She generally adds a subtle touch of humor, a dash of drama/angst, and a sprinkle of slice-of-life to her stories. Her education includes a BS in Education with a major in mathematics and a minor in chemistry. Addison loves spending time with her family, reading, popcorn, boating, French fries, “open window weather,” cats, math, and anything chocolate. She loves to read pretty much anything and everything, anytime and anywhere.

Addison is the author of these contemporary books…
Cultivating Love
Vows 1 – ’Til Death Do Us Part
Vows 2 – From This Day Forward
– Vows 2.5 Okay, Then
Vows 3 – To Love and To Cherish
Snapshots, a collection of short stories
Dream On 1 - Closets Are for Clothes
– Déjà Vu
– Of Rats and Cats

and these speculative fiction books…
Luck of the Draw (fantasy)
Plans Trilogy 1 - The Contingency Plan (fantasy)
Plans Trilogy 2 - The Best-Laid Plans (fantasy)
Plans Trilogy 3 - Change of Plans (fantasy)
The Faction 1 - The Recruit (paranormal - vampire)
The Faction 2 - The Choice (paranormal - vampire)
Weekend at Bigfoot's (paranormal - shifter - Bigfoot)
When Are You? (science fiction - time travel)

Weekend at Bigfoot’s was the winner in the 2020-2021 Rainbow Awards in the “Best Gay Paranormal Romance” category and was runner up in the “Best Gay Book” category!

Til Death Do Us Part was a runner up in the 2016 Rainbow Awards in both the “Best Gay Contemporary Romance” and “Best Gay Book” categories!

To Love and To Cherish received two honorable mentions in the 2017 Rainbow Awards!

The entire Vows Series, including the bonus short story Okay, Then, is now available in a box set.