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Where I Belong

A Friends-to-Lovers short story that will melt your heart!

by Koko Klein

Desperate to find a new squash partner, I never imagined meeting someone like Simon. With his striking good looks and unmatched skill on the court, Simon captivates me from the start.

But it was off the court where he truly stole my heart and when we finally shared a kiss, it was electrifying—and utterly terrifying. Overwhelmed and confused by this new side of myself, I panicked and withdrew, unsure what sure what this meant.

Instead of walking away, Simon keeps calling, and every part of me is caught between hope and fear. Can I trust him with my heart? Or will fear keep me from experiencing the love I’ve always longed for?

“Where I Belong” is part of the Love in Terengia series. Each book in the series tells a sweet & spicy story with lots of heart, heat, and a guaranteed happy ending.



The driveway has a slight incline, and as I steer the patrol car onto it the outside lights come on. The stuffy prefabricated houses of the suburbs are behind us, and we’re far enough outside the city for people’s homes to spread themselves out a little.

The security lights reveal a building that could have come straight out of a 1960s architectural magazine. The garden is so perfectly manicured that even the trees seem to match the style of the house—all straight edges with a second floor that slightly overhangs the first. A curtain behind one of the windows twitches.

“My boyfriend’s bound to be worried,” Frederick mumbles next to me.


I cast a surprised glance towards my passenger, who has just opened the car door and is about to get out.


While on duty today, I was called to the scene of a car accident involving Frederick and a kindly older woman. Luckily no one was hurt. Since Frederick’s Mini Cooper was totaled, after all the reports were finished, I offered him a ride home in the squad car. We chatted easily on the journey. He recovered from the shock quite quickly, and as he started to relax, he shared some funny stories about his son.

While I'm still reflecting on the last few hours, a tall, extremely well-built man rushes out of the house and hugs Frederick so fiercely that I’m sure he won’t be able to breathe.

Recent memories flood my mind.

A few days ago, I learned what it feels like to have a male body pressed tightly against me. What hard muscle feel like under my caress. What it feels like to have a stiff cock rubbing mine ...

My breath catches. What happened a few days ago still confuses me. I've often found men attractive, but I’ve never done anything about it. Until three days ago ...



Vienna, my hometown, is a beautiful city and often features in my books. But I also love to travel, and those experiences give me a chance to globe-trot with my characters to places like Sweden, Canada, and Italy to name but a few.

And because authors can’t help but build fiction worlds, I created my own country! That’s why you’ll find many of my books set in the fictional European country of Terengia.

Terengia is an island nation in the North Sea that’s stuffed full of all the best bits from all the countries I’ve visited. It has beautiful old castles, historic cities, rolling hills and gorgeous cliffs jutting into the sea. It snows in winter, too, and their national sport is ice hockey.

About the Author

The Austrian bestselling author Koko Klein lives with her husband, son, and two crazy cats in the heart of Vienna’s historic city center. She loves to walk on roads kings were already travelling centuries ago. When she’s not busy coming up with new stories (once again failing to sleep because of them), she plays the piano (until her son has had enough of classical music), devours books (until the cats need to be petted right now), or plays board games (until her husband prefers to play hockey again).

Koko’s loved writing gay romance novels ever since someone she went to college with challenged her to write a version of Sleeping Beauty – with two princes as the main characters. That was in 2004 … and she's been hooked ever since. Her stories are a mixture of what Koko loves: a touch of sweetness with a sprinkling of spice. They tell the tale of two men who find their one true love — although sometimes it takes them totally by surprise.