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Winter Masquerade

by Kevin Klehr

Winter Masquerade - Kevin Klehr
Editions:ePub - First edition: $ 3.98
ISBN: 978-1-951880-26-2
Pages: 137

Ferris wakes on the Sea Queen, an enchanted cruise ship sailing on a chocolate sea. He has no idea how he got here and desperately wants to go home to his boyfriend.

The Alchemist is the only person who can help Ferris, but he’s been kidnapped. The ransom is high tea with scones and jam.

Meanwhile, the passengers are gearing up for the Winter Masquerade, a ball where love and magic reign.

With a murderous musician, an absent boyfriend and a mystical party, Ferris soon learns that Wednesday is not the day to fall in love.

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The Alchemist’s wife loved watching the sun rise. A fact everyone with whom I spent time with in the captain’s quarters knew well. They decided the Detective and Janus should talk to her, but that didn’t stop me and Cole tagging along.

She had small wrinkles, conveying kindness rather than worry. As Janus introduced her, she smiled. The stylish deep blue dressing gown, her outfit of choice for early mornings, had no hint of age or wear. The sea breeze unable to mess her snow-white hair.

Her name was Camilla. She wasn’t alone, though.


Holding her hand and sharing the view was Molly, the Alchemist’s mistress. She wore a candy-pink dressing gown that shed fluff all over the deck. You could find her cabin from the trail of bright fuzz. Her damp hair left a wet patch on her shoulders. During this conversation, the sun turned up its slow heat, making her hair dry curly.

“Now, Janus, why would I kidnap my own husband?”

I showed her and Molly the ransom note.

“It does look like your handwriting,” Molly said. “You’ve always had those curly tails when you write the letter Q. And look, that tail is bursting with life.” She turned to me. “I can read handwriting, you know. Write your name, and I’ll tell you all about yourself.”

Camilla took the note and studied it closely. “Yes, that is a Q I’d be proud to call my own. But, Molly, you have lavish tails on your Q’s as well.”

Molly took the note. “I’d also be proud to call that Q my own. I think I picked up the curlicue habit from you.” Molly gazed at me. “Letters infiltrate us, you know. My life and Camilla’s have become so intertwined our handwriting appears to be the same.” She examined the note again. “And we’re both writing rounded O’s. Camilla, yours used to be oval but now yours are as rounded as mine.”

“This reminds me of the time I solved a case by examining a bowl of alphabet soup.” The Detective reached for the note, but Molly was unaware of his gesture. “The false eyelash sticking to the spoon was a major clue.”

“So, did you write the note?” Janus asked Molly.

“And look at your trademark squiggly S,” Molly continued, not answering. “That shows you’ve lived before.” She turned to Cole. “We’ve all lived before, you know. I was a fishmonger’s wife once. Don’t look so shocked. I was very happy once I got used to the smell.”

“Was the sea made of soft chocolate when you were a fishmonger’s wife?” the Detective asked.

“No. It was an odd period. The sea was water.”

“Didn’t you say the sea was made of water when you entered that other dimension, Ferris?” Janus jumped out of the Detective’s bag and landed on deck. We all looked down at him.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Does this mean Molly used to live in that other dimension?” Cole asked.

“Yes!” the Detective said, enthusiastically.

“There’s not enough evidence to tell,” Janus replied.

“But it matches Ferris’s description of the other dimension.”

“Where I come from, ocean is made of water.” I couldn’t help but sound glum. “I think Molly’s past life was in my dimension, not the dark one I experienced.”

“How do you know?” Camilla asked.

“Just a feeling.”

“Trust your feelings,” Molly said. “You’re empathic, you know. I can sense it.” She gave Camilla a curiously affectionate grin. “Ferris is very empathic like your cousin, Katherine.”

“Yes, Katherine knows everything about us.” Camilla slipped a hand under her robe and onto her heart. “She’s wise beyond her years. Even as a child she—”

“This conversation isn’t getting us anywhere,” Cole said. “Who wrote this ransom note?”

“It’s a long story,” Camilla said. “Perfect for telling during sunsets. But not the best topic of conversation for watching the sun rise.”

“If you don’t gaze at the sky too often, you can fool yourself it’s a sunset.” Janus’s reasoning made sense. Any reasoning would have made sense at this stage.

“Go on, Camilla,” Molly said. “Tell this story. I like this one.”

Molly and Camilla held hands again, swaying their arms like children displaying their playful affection for each other.

“This is a tale best suited for sunsets, red wine, and an array of cheese,” Camilla began.

“That’s true,” Molly confirmed. “I’ve heard her tale with those very accompaniments.”

“My husband was in a restless mood. He sensed more than our ship sailing on a chocolate ocean with an overly bright rainbow in the sky. He sensed more than just a population of women with a few men thrown in for good measure.”

“She meant no offence, guys.” Molly looked very concerned.

“None taken,” Janus replied.

“And he sensed music made with more instruments than just a harp, a guitar, and drums.”

Camilla paused. Once again, she slipped her hand inside her gown, but this time she pulled out a string of pearls which she clutched. She turned on her heel and looked back out to sea. We did the same. Janus sauntered up to the edge of the deck and peered from the gap under the barrier. The sun had crept up into the sky. The rainbow sheet flapped. A rainbow pair of shorts and overalls also hung in midair.

Reviews:Camille on Joyfully Jay wrote:

Based on the official blurb, I was hoping for an absurdist piece I could get lost in and I think Klehr certainly delivers.

Roger Hyttinen on Amazon wrote:

This story really had an Alfred Jarry/Alice in Wonderland vibe to it, which was a lot of fun. Though at first glance Winter Masquerade seemed like an absurdist, possibly silly story, there were actually many layers to it, especially once we figured out the true reason that Ferris found himself on the Sea Queen, which was slowly revealed to Ferris throughout the course of the book.

Truus on Diverse Reader wrote:

Never could I imagine what a tremendous story was hidden behind the title and cover.

Ashley on Broome Books wrote:

The first thing I have to say about Winter Masquerade is the fact that it is entirely unique. I finished reading it a couple of days ago but I needed time to digest and analyze my thoughts about this story.

Amos Lassen on Amos Lassen Reviews wrote:

When Ferris first begins his sea journey, he is on a very strange and absurd adventure but as we move forward we realize that he gains strength as a result. I also realized that the story is not as absurd as it first appears. We all have strange occurrences in our lives and often by escaping reality, we learn something about ourselves.

Audio Book Reviewer on Audio Book Reviewer dot com wrote:

The narrator, Jon Bolitho-Jones gives an entertaining performance with unique voices for each character. His cadence is steady and enthusiastic when needed, he portrays each character according to their role and personality.

The Book Junkie on The Book Junkie Reads wrote:

Jon Bolitho-Jones, it was nice to meet you and your voice. The characters had more layers of life with your voice added to Kevin's words. There was a defining tone and pitch for the various characters.

Nikky Lee on Nikky Lee, Writer wrote:

Move over Alice and Wonderland, here comes Winter Masquerade by Kevin Klehr. While far from a children’s story, this mad hatter's dreamscape delves deep into the weird and mysterious, and ultimately, romance.

CLICK HERE to watch the Book Trailer

CLICK HERE to watch a video of narrator Jon Bolitho-Jones sharing his inspiration for finding the character voices for the Audio Book.

CLICK HERE to watch the Audio Book Trailer

About the Author

Kevin is the author of a number of books including the Actors and Angels series and the Nate and Cameron Collection.

The Actors and Angels series are three comedies about theatre in the Afterlife, where two friends explore their love for each other through several lifetimes with the help of a gay angel. The third in the series scored a Rainbow Award for Best Gay Alternative Universe/Reality novel.

The Nate and Cameron Series are two novellas that delves into a relationship between a dreamer and a realist, where the latter is coming to terms with loving second best. The two stories, Nate and the New Yorker and Nate's Last Tango, are also available in one paperback edition.

His novel, The Midnight Man, scored a 2021 Gay Scribe Award in the Fantasy category, and first place in the Reviewer's Choice Award with the Paranormal Romance Guild in the LGBTQIA+ category.

Kevin lives with his husband, Warren, in their humble apartment (affectionately named Sabrina), in Australia’s own “Emerald City,” Sydney.