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Author Spotlight: Megs Pritchard

Meg Pritchard

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Megs Pritchard MM Action Adventure, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Horror, Mystery, Paranormal, Suspense Megs Pritchard lives in England and is a mother to two small boys who drive her crazy! When she isn’t working or being a mummy, tearing her hair out or drowning her sorrows in alcohol, she is busy writing about complex characters that know the harsh realities of life but want a HEA. Megs writes both contemporary and paranormal romance and is working on two new series for 2019: a paranormal shifter series—title unknown, currently waiting for some inspiration from somewhere—and a contemporary … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Lou Sylvre

Lou Sylvre

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Lou Sylvre MM BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Fantasy, Holiday, Mystery, Suspense Lou Sylvre loves romance with all its ups and downs, and likes to conjure it into books. The sweethearts on her pages are men who end up loving each other—and usually saving each other from unspeakable danger. It’s all pretty crazy and often very, very sexy. How cool is that? She loves to hear from readers on her blog, Facebook or Twitter, or via e-mail. As if you’d want to know more, she’ll happily tell you that she is a proudly bisexual woman, a mother, … Read more

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Author Spotlight – Erin O’Quinn

Erin O'Quinn

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Erin O’Quinn MM Action Adventure, Comedy, Contemporary, Erotic, Fantasy, Historical, Holiday, Horror, Mystery, Paranormal, Sci Fi, Suspense Erin O’Quinn was born almost literally on the side of a mountain in Nevada and was hauled kicking and screaming into the nearest town, fifty miles away, to attend first grade. To this day, she claims to be kindergarten-deprived. O’Quinn earned a few degrees from the University of So. California, but her real education began on the back docks of the Las Vegas (NV) Review-Journal newspaper; on the good-old-boy car lots in Abilene, TX where she sold new … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Sadie Rose Bermingham

Sadie Rose Bermingham

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Sadie Rose Bermingham MM Contemporary, Erotic, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Paranormal, Sci Fi, Thriller Sadie is older than they think they are, and has spent most of that life creating characters that take the place of children and other worlds that sustain them when the Real World gets too much to handle. They are the parental unit of vegetarian, vampire rock-tart, Rayne Wylde, half-leprechaun rebel-rouser, Malachai Valentine and human/communications-media interface Dr. Mari Gale. Since the turn of the century they have written in collaboration with good friend and eternal muse, Bellora Quinn. Together Bellora and Sadie … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Shannon West

Shannon West

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Shannon West MM Action Adventure, Contemporary, Erotic, Fantasy, Gaylit, Holiday, Military, Paranormal, Sci Fi Shannon West is an author of MM Romance and believes love has no gender. She has well over a hundred novels, novellas and short stories that usually have a paranormal or a sci fi twist, but she also loves contemporary. Her stories have been translated into French, Italian and even one Japanese Yaoi, and in the past, she has worked with several publishers, both large and small. She can be found most days fighting cats off the keyboard, eluding housework, lost … Read more

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Review: A Woman Like Maria – Gabriel Constans

A Woman Like Maria - Gabriel Constans

Genre: Contemporary LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Lesbian, Sapphic Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book After years of struggle and betrayal, Sophia’s love is re-awakened by Maria. Maria is kind, intelligent, and passionate, but she’s also her husband’s sister! Sophia has finally left her small-town village in Germany and completed nursing school in Berlin. She marries an American, Ricardo, and discovers he’s a lying, cheating scoundrel. Maria is committed to serving the US, as a negotiating military officer stationed in Berlin. When she meets her brother’s wife, Sophia, she falls head over hills and jeopardizes her entire career. While Sophia and Maria plan their escape, Ricardo … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Terry Poole

Terry Poole

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Terry Poole MM Action Adventure, Contemporary, Holiday, Mystery, Paranormal, Suspense I write primarily paranormal and suspense MM novels. My home rests between the two massive lakes that bisect Manitoba in central Canada, and when I’m not writing (so many stories, so little time), you’ll find me crocheting, making handmade soap or hanging out on my deck watching the wildlife go by. YOU CAN “FAVORITE” THIS AUTHOR TO GET UPDATES BY CLICKING THE STAR NEXT TO THEIR NAME ON QRI

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Author Spotlight: Xenia Melzer

Xenia Melzer

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Xenia Melzer MM BDSM, Comedy, Contemporary, Fantasy, Mystery, Paranormal, Thriller Xenia Melzer is a mother of two who enjoys riding and running when she’s not writing stories. She doesn’t like beer but is easily tempted by a Virgin Mojito. Or chocolate. Truffles are especially cherished, even though she doesn’t discriminate. As a true chocoholic, she welcomes any kind of cocoa-based delight. YOU CAN “FAVORITE” THIS AUTHOR TO GET UPDATES BY CLICKING THE STAR NEXT TO THEIR NAME ON QRI

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Author Spotlight: Sarah Hadley Brook  

Sarah Hadley Brook

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Sarah Hadley Brook MM Contemporary, Erotic, Erotica, Historical, Holiday, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Suspense Sarah Hadley Brook reserves her evenings for her hobby-turned-passion of writing, letting the characters she conjures up in her mind take the lead and show her where the story will go. She dreams of traveling to Scotland some day and visiting the places her ancestors lived. Sarah believes in “Happily Ever After” and strives to ensure her characters find their own happiness in love and life. YOU CAN “FAVORITE” THIS AUTHOR TO GET UPDATES BY CLICKING THE STAR NEXT TO … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Jackie Keswick

Jackie Keswick

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Jackie Keswick MM Action Adventure, Contemporary, Fantasy, Gaylit, Holiday, Mystery & Thriller, Suspense, Young Adult A nerdy introvert living in a tiny English village, Jackie writes a mix of suspense, action adventure, fantasy and history, loves stories with layers, plots with twists and characters with hidden depths. She adores friends to lovers stories, and tales of unexpected reunions, second chances, and men who write their own rules. She blogs about English history and food, has a thing for green eyes, and is a great believer in making up soundtracks for everything, including her characters and … Read more