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RELEASE DAY BLITZ: Aqua Follies by Liv Rancourt

Aqua Follies banner - Liv Rancourt

Author: Liv Rancourt Book: Aqua Follies Page/Word Count: 200 pages, 60K words Categories: Gay Romance, Historical Romance Release Date: Cover: Kanaxa Buy Links: Blurb: The 1950s. Postwar exuberance. Conformity. Rock and roll. Homophobia. Russell tells himself he’ll marry Susie because it’s the right thing to do. His summer job coaching her water ballet team will give him plenty of opportunity to give her a ring. But on the team’s trip to the annual Aqua Follies, the joyful glide of a trumpet player’s solo hits Russell like a torpedo, blowing apart his carefully constructed plans. From the orchestra pit, Skip watches Poseidon’s younger brother stalk along the pool deck. It never … Read more

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Lazy Reading Sunday – Historical

Today is our day for the weekly Lazy Reading Sunday. Each week we’ll choose a topic – a genre, pairing, or identity – and talk about our favorite reads here on the Facebook group. Our topic today (from kaje Harper) – Historical Romance. Do you like delving into the past for your romance reading? Is there a particular time period that especially appeals to you? How important is historical accuracy to you? What’s a favorite book or series that you’ve recently read? Tell us about it. AUTHORS: Please do not use this chat to recommend your own books