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REVIEW: The Eye of Evil – Pelaam

The Eye of Evil - Pelaam

Genre: Paranormal/Horror LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Book three in The Devil’s in the Details series Power corrupts… Sometimes it can be petrifying. In the upcoming council elections of the rural town where he lives, Jason is working as assistant to his cousin Neil, a man who’s as narcissistic as he is ambitious. Almost running into Morena, the fortune teller from the visiting fair, Neil is able to turn the situation to his advantage and look good in the small community by offering free seats to the fair’s big top. Paranormal detective Garen begins an investigation into a death where … Read more

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REVIEW: Cannon Fire – C.J. Baty

Cannon Fire - C.J. Baty

Title: Cannon Fire Series: The Legend of the Ghost Train Book 2 Author: C.J. Baty Genre: Historical, Paranormal, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: Self Pages: 141 Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book 1862 – Maxwell Ryder refused to honor a prearranged marriage with Penelope Walker. Instead, he fell madly in love with her younger brother, Jeremiah. When Maxwell returned to his regiment, Penelope planned the murder of her brother. Hiding his body where no one would ever find it. Maxwell died during a Civil War battle never knowing what happened to his love. Present – Luke Ryder was the last descendant of the Ryder family. It … Read more

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REVIEW: Catfish Lullaby, by A.C. Wise

Catfish Lullaby

Title: Catfish Lullaby Author: A.C. Wise Genre: Horror, Folklore, Eldritch, Southern LGBTQ+ Category: MM, Cis Publisher: Broken Eye Books Pages: 118 Reviewer: Dan Get It On Amazon About The Book Small town secrets lead to trouble for everyone as Caleb must confront the demons of his past in this Southern Gothic queer cosmic horror, a tale of weird magic and monsters on the bayou. LEWIS IS A TOWN OF SECRETS The Royce family has been a plague on the small, Southern town of Lewis for generations. Caleb has heard rumors about the family his whole life, just like he’s heard the rumors about a monstrous creature known as Catfish John … Read more

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REVIEW: The Red Thirst, by Pelaam

The Red Thirst, By Pelaam

Title: Red Thirst Series: The Devils in the Details Book 2 Author: Pelaam Genre: Paranormal, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: Pride Publishing Pages: 109 Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Beauty may be skin deep, but sometimes staying young and beautiful is pure hell. They say there’s no rest for the wicked, but Garen and Luke are eagerly anticipating a brief vacation on the South Island, doing nothing more taxing than tramping, skiing and snowboarding. However, when Garen meets up with an old friend—a ranger in the nearby national park—he not only finds that several trampers have gone missing there but also that … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Hallelujah, by Kim Fielding and F.E. Feeley Jr.

Hallelujah - Kim Fielding & F.E. Feeley Jr.

Kim Fielding and F.E. Feeley Jr. have a new gay horror book out: “Hallelujah.” Can you hear it? Whispering in the dark. Secrets only the dark knows. Joseph Moore, choir director for the First Baptist Church of Lenora, Nebraska, has secrets of his own. Terrible, lonely secrets. One that involves natural human desire. One that calls forth powers he cannot begin to understand. Both with the potential to destroy him and those he loves. Now the world is changing. The darkness, the shadows, the ghosts, are closing in—and Joseph and his lover, Kevin, are being stalked by a merciless demon, hell-bent on possession. Can you hear it now? There in … Read more

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COVER REVEAL/GIVEAWAY: Hallelujah, by Kim Fielding and F.E. Feeley Jr.

Hallelujah - Kim Fielding & F.E. Feeley Jr.

Kim Fielding and F.E. Feeley Jr. have a new gay horror book out, and we have the cover reveal: “Hallelujah.” Can you hear it? Whispering in the dark. Secrets only the dark knows. Joseph Moore, choir director for the First Baptist Church of Lenora, Nebraska, has secrets of his own. Terrible, lonely secrets. One that involves natural human desire. One that calls forth powers he cannot begin to understand. Both with the potential to destroy him and those he loves. Now the world is changing. The darkness, the shadows, the ghosts, are closing in—and Joseph and his lover, Kevin, are being stalked by a merciless demon, hell-bent on possession. Can … Read more

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REVIEW: Terror in Time: A Collection of Eerie Tales, by Melodie Romeo

Terror in Time - Melodie Romeo

Title: Terror in Time: A Collection of Eerie Tales Author: Melodie Romeo Genre: Horror LGBTQ+ Category: Various Publisher: Self Pages: 219 Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Terror in Time is a collection of nine eerie tales of the macabre and the unexpected that will chill you to the bone. From Celtic lore and ancient evils, to ghosts, voodoo, and legendary creatures, these stories are sure to please the horror enthusiast and history buff alike. It even includes the obligatory spoof taking zombies where no zombie has gone before! So lock your doors and turn up the lights, for you never know what evil … Read more

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REVIEW: Merciful Bleed, by J. Hali Steele

Merciful Bleed - J. Hali Steele

Title: Merciful Bleed Series: Serpentine Vampires, Book One Author: J. Hali Steele Genre: Horror, Paranormal, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Publisher: Self Pages: 32 Reviewer: Ulysses Dietz, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Blood and venom—one sustains life, one kills! Paladin Bodine, called a Bleeder, is serpentine. He’s paid to extinguish unmanageable vampires and even end the lifecycle of those old and tired of existing. He cheats, lies and skulks, whatever it takes for his serpents to deliver. Paladin is damn good at what he does until he meets a vampire who turns his slithering world upside down. Braid Calderon means to stop the individual hired to … Read more

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Review: Migration Flash Fiction Anthology


Title: Migration Series: Queer Sci Fi Annual Flash Fiction Contest Author: Various Genre: Speculative Fiction LGBTQ+ Category: LGBTQ+ Publisher: Other Worlds Ink Pages: 256 Reviewer: Linda Tonis, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book MI-GRA-TION (Noun) 1) Seasonal movement of animals from one region to another. 2) Movement of people to a new area or country in order to find work or better living conditions. 3) Movement from one part of something to another. Three definitions to inspire writers around the world and an unlimited number of possible stories to tell. Here are 120 of our favorites. Migration feaures 300-word speculative flash fiction stories from across the … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Migration – Queer Sci Fi Flash Fiction Anthology #5


Queer Sci Fi has just released the annual QSF Flash Fiction anthology. This year, the theme is “Migration.” MI-GRA-TION (noun) 1) Seasonal movement of animals from one region to another. 2) Movement of people to a new area or country in order to find work or better living conditions. 3) Movement from one part of something to another. Three definitions to inspire writers around the world and an unlimited number of possible stories to tell. Here are 120 of our favorites. Migration feaures 300 word speculative flash fiction stories from across the rainbow spectrum, from the minds of the writers of Queer Sci Fi. Other Worlds Ink | Amazon | … Read more