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REVIEW: Mountainway Chant – M.J. Calabrese

Mountainway Chant - M.J. Calabrese

Title: Mountainway Chant Series: Coulter and Woodward Book 2 Author: M.J. Calabrese Genre: Contemporary, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: Self Pages: 284 Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Adam Coulter has returned and is coping with the horrific events of sixteen months ago as best he can, but not everyone is happy about it. His best friend and new husband, Detective Eagle Woodard, doesn’t want to speak to him and it’s starting to look like his fifth marriage isn’t going to be anymore successful than his other four.   FBI Agent Rick Kessler and Navajo Reservation Police Lieutenant Carlos Aiello, Eagle’s cousin, have pulled a … Read more

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REVIEW: Warrior’s Way – M.J. Calabrese

Warrior's Way - M.J. Calabrese - Coulter and Woodard

Title: Warrior’s Way Series: Coulter and Woodward Book 1 Author: M.J. Calabrese Genre: Contemporary, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: Self Pages: 340 Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Friends since childhood, Albuquerque detective Eagle Woodard and criminal profiler Adam Coulter are dragged into a serial killer case. Gay couples are being murdered and tortured and the FBI needs their help to capture the sadistic murderer. Deciding to implement a plan to trap the killer, Adam and Eagle go undercover as an involved gay couple. Or is it really pretend? Faced with their toughest challenge yet, they must find the active serial killer before he … Read more

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Warrior's Way - M.J. Calabrese - Coulter and Woodard

M.J. Calabrese has a new Gay/Bi mystery thriller out: “Warrior’s Way.” And there’s a giveaway! Friends since childhood, Albuquerque detective Eagle Woodard and criminal profiler Adam Coulter are dragged into a serial killer case. Gay couples are being murdered and tortured and the FBI needs their help to capture the sadistic murderer. Deciding to implement a plan to trap the killer, Adam and Eagle go undercover as an involved gay couple. Or is it really pretend? Faced with their toughest challenge yet, they must find the active serial killer before he strikes again. With the powers that be not cooperating and the killer proving to be elusive, will Eagle and … Read more

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COVER REVEAL: Conned, by Kim Fielding

Conned - Kim Fielding

Kim Fielding has a new MM historical paranormal mystery coming out in the “Bureau” series: “Conned.” And we have the cover reveal! World War I veteran Thomas Donne is new to San Francisco. Always a stoic man, shell shock and a lost love have nearly turned his heart to stone. No matter—a private eye has no room for softness. Almost broke, he takes on what appears to be a simple case: finding a missing young man. As a magician and medium, Abraham Ferencz cons his audiences into believing he can cheat death and commune with their dearly departed. Although his séances are staged, the spirits are very real, and they’ve … Read more

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REVIEW: Long Shadow – Elle Keaton

Long Shadow - Elle Keaton - Harrison & Dempsey

Title: Long Shadow Series: Hamarsson and Dempsey Book 2 Author: Elle Keaton Genre: Mystery, Action-Adventure, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: Dirty Dog Press Pages: 270 Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Niall’s never known anything but betrayal. All Mat wants is Niall’s heart. What will it take for him to coax Niall in from the cold? Mat’s connection with Niall is tenuous; one step forward, two steps back. Since that night on the beach Niall’s been avoiding Mat like a bad case of the flu–which, ironically, most of his deputies have come down with. What will it take for Niall to truly believe Mat wants him … Read more

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REVIEW: Pemberton, by P R Sinclair

Pemberton - P R Sinclair

Title: Pemberton Author: P R Sinclair Genre: Spy Thriller LGBTQ+ Category: Bi Gay Publisher: Self Pages: 416 Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book “…my heart no longer remains with me, and without a heart, how can it be that I am alive?” L’Orfeo, Monteverdi December, 1988: For Kurt Nash, CIA agent, dealing with grief starts with keeping a promise to scatter Nick Roston’s ashes in Pemberton, Western Australia, after he fails to save his friend’s life during an assignment in Europe. An unexpected encounter with Nick’s fiancée, Lucy, who has returned home for Christmas, allows Kurt the chance to explain Nick’s disappearance, but also opens up Kurt’s … Read more

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REVIEW: A Summer of Smoke and Sin, by TJ Nichols

A Summer of Smoke and Sin - TJ Nichols

Title: A Summer of Smoke and Sin Author: TJ Nichols Genre: Historical Urban Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: Self Pages: 260 Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon | Universal Link About The Book To stop a serial killer a detective will need to explore his own vices… Nathanial Bayard wants nothing more than to find the nobleman creating snuff pornography. If he fails, his career in the recently formed nobility taskforce will be over and as the youngest son he’ll be forced to obey his father and join the church. But a life of celibacy doesn’t appeal. Nathanial has never even kissed another man, fearing for his soul and … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Of Magic and Scales, by Natalina Reis

Of Magic and Scales - Natalina Reis

Natalina Reis has a new MM Paranormal murder mystery romance out: “Of Magic and Scales.” With a serial killer on the loose, the baffling mystery of Aiden’s past, and their tenuous budding romance, Aiden and Fouchard tread through a world of magic and myth on padded shoes, terrified to stir up something neither can control or defeat. Aiden Mercer’s life now centers around lounging on the sunny beaches of his adopted country with a beer in one hand and a coffee in the other while admiring the local male population. After a rough life as a respected detective in DC, playing it cool shouldn’t be too hard, right? With the … Read more

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REVIEW: Smoky Mist, by C.J. Baty

Smoky Mist - C.J. Baty - Legend of the Ghost Train

Title: Smoky Mist Series: The Legend of the Ghost Train Book One Author: C.J. Baty Genre: Historical, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: Self Pages: 142 Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book The Legend of the Ghost Train Today, people say that on a quiet night in the mountains of Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky, you can hear the far off shriek of a locomotive whistle and the rumble of the train’s cars as they clamor across the tracks. The legend claims the train moves through the valleys and mountains searching for lost souls that need a lift to the other side.  In the early Twentieth Century, railroads … Read more

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REVIEW: Heroes in Love, by David C. Dawson

Heroes in Love - David C. Dawson

Title: Heroes in Love Author: David C. Dawson Genre: Mystery LGBTQ+ Category: M/M, + older M/M pairing Publisher: Boroughs Press Pages: 266 Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book NOT EVERY HERO WEARS A UNIFORM Can love last a lifetime? Billy Walsh and Daniel Richards never intended to be matchmakers. After all, they’re only at the start of their own love story. When Billy uncovers a failed love affair, he learns it lasted more than fifty years until it fell apart. He and Daniel see their own fledgling relationship through the lens of the now estranged couple, and they vow to reunite the elderly lovers. But as they … Read more