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Author Spotlight – Kazy Reed

Kazy Reed

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Kazy Reed MM Erotic, Paranormal Kazy Reed grew up on a small island off the Maine coast. At the age of sixteen, she announced to her parents that she was going to move to Denmark for six months as an exchange student. That trip changed her life, and sparked her love of travel, languages, and art history. After graduating from college with a degree in Art History, she moved back to the island where she began to write short stories. Ten years later, when she was introduced to gay erotic fiction, the seed was planted … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Ezra Dawn

Ezra Dawn

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Ezra Dawn MM BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Fantasy, Gaylit, Paranormal, Sci-Fi Well Ezra isn’t my real name obviously but I liked the name so I decided to use it. I live at home with my five dogs and one cat. I started out writing hetero romance novels but it wasn’t where my heart lied. I adore all things paranormal and M/M is by far my favorite genre so I decided to start writing Paranormal Romances. There’s a guaranteed happy ending with each of my books even if it may take some time for my guys to … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Lynn Lorenz

Lynn Lorenz

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Lynn Lorenz MM Action-Adventure, Contemporary, Erotic, Historical, Paranormal Lynn Lorenz is an award-winning and best-selling author who grew up in New Orleans but currently lives in Texas, where she’s a fan of all things Texan, like Longhorns, big hair, and cowboys in tight jeans. She’s never met a comma she didn’t like, and enjoys editing and brainstorming with other writers. Lynn spends most of her time writing about hot sex with even hotter heroes, plot twists, werewolves, and medieval swashbucklers. She’s currently at work on her latest book, making herself giggle and blush, and avoiding … Read more

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Review: This Is Not A Vampire Story – Simon Doyle

This is Not a Vampire Story - Simon Doyle

Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Paranormal LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Seventeen-year-old Victor Callahan holds a secret as ancient as the shadows. Employed as a night porter in a quiet Irish nursing home, the teenager watches over a group of men he once knew a long time ago. Victor has orchestrated their reunion for a final farewell, a goodbye to those whose lives have shaped him through the years. But can he keep his secret from Lakeshore Manor’s oldest resident, James O’Carroll? As he cares for these remnants of his past, memories of a bygone era haunt him — of wild adventures on the rugged … Read more

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Review: Searching for the Prince – Rebecca Cohen

Searching For The Prince - Rebecca Cohen - Fang and Fae

Genre: Paranormal LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book When a fae prince goes missing, Gwil and Hyax are called in to help. Nothing is easy when you’re a vampire dating fae royalty, but with his sire demanding his help, and his boyfriend’s parents trying to split them up, finding a fae prince who has vanished into thin air is one of the least complicated parts of Gwil’s afterlife. Searching for the Prince is the second installment of Fang & Fae, a MM Paranormal Romance series, where a vampire and a fae prince go from best friends to lovers while solving mysteries along the way. … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Kayleigh Sky

Kayleigh Sky

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Kayleigh Sky M-M Action-Adventure, Contemporary, Erotic, Fantasy, Gaylit, Holiday, Mystery-Thriller, Paranormal, Sci-Fi Kayleigh Sky is an m/m romance writer of complex stories of love and redemption that always end in happily ever after. Love matters, and everyone counts. Peace. Some of Kayleigh’s books: YOU CAN “FAVORITE” THIS AUTHOR TO GET UPDATES BY CLICKING THE STAR NEXT TO THEIR NAME ON QRI

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Author Spotlight: J.V. Speyer

J.V. Speyer

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: J. V. Speyer FF MM Action-Adventure, Contemporary, Fantasy, Holiday, Interracial, Lesfic, Mystery & Thriller, Sci-Fi Author of romance and speculative fiction, sometimes at the same time. Some of J.V.’s books: YOU CAN “FAVORITE” THIS AUTHOR TO GET UPDATES BY CLICKING THE STAR NEXT TO THEIR NAME ON QRI

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Author Spotlight: Asta Idonea

Asta Idonea

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Asta Idonea MM Action-Adventure, Comedy, Contemporary, Fantasy, Gaylit, Mystery-Thriller, New Adult, Paranormal, Sci-Fi Asta Idonea (aka Nicki J Markus) was born in England but now lives in Adelaide, South Australia. She has loved both reading and writing from a young age and is also a keen linguist, having studied several foreign languages. Asta launched her writing career in 2011 and divides her efforts not only between MM and mainstream works but also between traditional and indie publishing. Her works span the genres, from paranormal to historical and from contemporary to fantasy. It just depends what … Read more

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Author Spotlight: JP Kenwood

JP Kenwood

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: JP Kenwood MM MMM Action-Adventure, Erotic, Fantasy, Historical, Holiday, Mystery, Paranormal, People of Color, Politics Sarcastic and sassy writer of deliciously smutty, plot-packed stories that celebrate men loving men, often. My stories, often dark and erotic, focus on master/slave power dynamics. My passions are ancient Rome, laughter, and wine. My current four book saga, Dominus, is an m/m alternative history fantasy set in ancient Rome during the reign of the Emperor Trajan (AD 98-117). What if Trajan had been the custodian of two boys instead of only one? What if Hadrian had been privy to … Read more

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Author Spotlight: SJ Himes

SJ Himes

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: SJ Himes MM Action-Adventure, Dark, Fantasy, Holiday, Paranormal, Suspense, YA My name is Sheena, and I have more pen names than I probably should. I write as SJ Himes, Revella Hawthorne, and Sheena Himes. I reside in the mountains of Maine (closer to Canada than I am to fresh lobster) on a 300-year-old farm beside a river in the woods. My companions are my furbabies: Micah, my large dog who hates birds; and Wolf and Silfur, two cats who love me but hate each other. I write romances with an emphasis on plot and character … Read more