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NEW RELEASE REVIEW: Curl Around My Heart by Londra Laine

Curl Around My Heart - Londra Laine

Will Reece’s worries about other people judging him undermine his budding romance? And will Tate’s fear of rejection make him push Reece away? Or have the sweet single dad and his precocious daughter curled too tightly around his heart to give them up?…Curl Around My Heart by Londra Laine

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NEW RELEASE: On the Ice by Amy Aislin

On the Ice - Amy Aislin

Author: Amy Aislin Book: On the Ice Series: Stick Side, Book #1 Page/Word Count: 348 pages, 87,500 words Categories: Contemporary Romance, Gay Romance, New Adult, Sports Romance Release Date: May 8, 2018 Cover Artist: Lee Hyat Buy Links: Blurb: For college sophomore Mitch Greyson, determination and persistence are the name of the game if he wants to make it as a professional hockey player. A busy schedule of practices, games, classes, homework, two part-time jobs—and now, working with a tutor to help him pass the class he’s failing so that he can keep his scholarship—shouldn’t leave him with enough time to flirt with the NHL player in town. But that … Read more

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10 reasons self-published authors should be terribly proud of themselves

Peacock - Elizabeth Andre

You wrote a book. You wrote a book that you are willing to let other people read. You wrote a book that you are willing to let strangers read. You wrote a book that you consider good enough for people to pay for the privilege of reading. You wrote a book and identified the team of people (editors, proofreaders, cover designers, book designers, beta-readers, general supporters) that you needed to get it out into the world. You didn’t wait for someone else to tell you that you were good enough to publish. You bring stories to the world that traditional publishing may not recognize as marketable or saleable. You publish … Read more

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The Story of the Dueling Muses


Muse:  A person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist. Hello Readers! I usually blog on the 7th of each month, or thereabouts, but I decided to wait because of my – *BLMorticia clears her throat* Oh, I’m sorry BLMorticia’s new release Where There’s Smoke. For those who know Sharita well, she writes under several pennames and she chooses the penname for the story based on the characters, subgenres, and or tones, of the story. At times, this complicated process hasn’t exactly worked. For the N’awlins Exotica series, it was a mix of all three at that time. Me, starting out, then BL, doing … Read more

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Release Blitz including Excerpt and 5 Star Review – Our Reason by Jessie G

Our Reason meme - Jessie G.

  AUTHOR: Jessie G TITLE: Our Reason SERIES: Sizzling Miami #8 (Red & Bull #3) COVER ARTIST: Andrew Reyna PHOTOGRAPHER: Randy RLS Images COVER MODEL: Alfie Gordillo CATEGORIES: Gay Romance, Contemporary Romance RELEASE DATE: October 24, 2017 FORMATS: eBook and print (printed version will contain both Their Reason & Our Reason)         COVER MODEL: Alfie Gordillo PHOTOGRAPHER: Randy Rls Sewell COVER ARTIST: Andrew Reyna BLURB Married life is everything Bull and Red could have hoped for. It’s not something they’d ever take for granted and the need to pay it forward is a trait the husbands happily share. When the new director of the Bennett House asks … Read more

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RELEASE DAY REVIEW: The Highlander by Kasia Bacon

The Order series banner - Kasia Bacon

Author: Kasia Bacon Book: The Highlander Series: The Order Series Novelette #2 Page/Word Count: 58 pages Categories: Gay Romance, Fantasy/Paranormal/Sci-Fi Release Date: August 31, 2017 Buy Links: Blurb: I, Lochan of the famed Féyes clan, know all about fighting. As a half-breed Elf, I have struggled against prejudice and feelings of inadequacy. A recluse by nature, I have battled my aversion to touch and interaction with others. To become an assassin of The Order, I have learnt to overcome the limitations of my mind and body. But denying the power Ervyn Morryés holds over me might be the one fight I lose. The truth is—damn it all—the relentless Highlander brings … Read more

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Writing Paranormal By the Seat of my Pants

Demons Be Mine - Michael Mandrake - Immortals

*Michael Mandrake is the male muse of author Sharita Lira* Greetings readers. Thanks you Scott at QRI for letting me share my thoughts with you about…well everything. Okay, not quite. While I do enjoy some trivial things like celebrity gossip, movies, and the occasional Facebook or Twitter rants, I will mostly talk about things related to books and writing. I am an author after all, and really, who wants to hear my thoughts on politics, hmm? *blinks* No, you do not. So instead, we’ll stick to author things, such as plotting…. Or not. The topic of today’s post is writing paranormal by the seat of my pants. Now for those … Read more

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RELEASE DAY BLITZ: Aqua Follies by Liv Rancourt

Aqua Follies banner - Liv Rancourt

Author: Liv Rancourt Book: Aqua Follies Page/Word Count: 200 pages, 60K words Categories: Gay Romance, Historical Romance Release Date: Cover: Kanaxa Buy Links: Blurb: The 1950s. Postwar exuberance. Conformity. Rock and roll. Homophobia. Russell tells himself he’ll marry Susie because it’s the right thing to do. His summer job coaching her water ballet team will give him plenty of opportunity to give her a ring. But on the team’s trip to the annual Aqua Follies, the joyful glide of a trumpet player’s solo hits Russell like a torpedo, blowing apart his carefully constructed plans. From the orchestra pit, Skip watches Poseidon’s younger brother stalk along the pool deck. It never … Read more