REVIEW: Feral Magic – N. R. Hairston
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Aethena, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book They live under the oppressive Nix rule. They met while trying to steal the same bag of flour. They fight together to get away. Now they’re being hunted. They’re more powerful than anyone knows. Their attraction to each other is explosive. The Nix have ruled for hundreds of years. Tieden and Kalem broke the rules by stealing. They defeated a herd of Nix in their escape. Tieden and Kalem are Belen. The Belen are supposed to be inferior to the Nix. How could two Belen take out so many Nix? Now they’re a threat. The Nix want them dead. Tieden and … Read more